Part of a kit - Linking associated assets/additional vehicles to a parent vehicle in PoolCar

Part of a kit - Linking associated assets/additional vehicles to a parent vehicle in PoolCar

What is it?


There is a little-known feature in PoolCar that allows a customer to specify another vehicle's rego that an asset/vehicle is always associated with.



An example of this is an asset, in this case, a trailer, which is linked to a specific vehicle the trailer is always attached to.

In this case, if the "parent vehicle" is booked, the trailer that is "part of a kit" will be booked for the same period.

This feature could be used for any assets that are always linked to a specific vehicle e.g. trailer, generator, defibrillator, etc.



To set this up,

  1. Create the new asset in the Vehicle Register ensuring all required fields are completed

  2. Either during creation of the original record in the Vehicle Register or afterward via the Asset Register > Bookings tab enter the rego/licence plate of the vehicle the asset is linked to, in the “Part of a kit, linked to Rego (parent)” field and save

Vehicle Register

Asset Register

How it works in practice


Next time someone makes a booking on the parent vehicle, the associated asset will automatically be booked for the same period.

Booking calendar



Please note that this process creates a separate booking with a unique booking ID on the associated asset. Therefore the PoolCar system treats them as individual bookings and check-out/check-in, editing and deleting will need to be actioned on all associated bookings.

Multiple assets including other vehicles can be linked to a single 'parent' vehicle.

If you are unable to find an answer to your question here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 

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