Product | Release | Date | What’s changed? |
PoolCar | | March 2025 | Resolved an issue in booking search using driver with apostrophe on email address. Resolved issue in audit trail search. New excel export and paging implementation on reports. Provided a warning/information message in Lease Register if the Lease Expiry Date is updated to a date that doesn't match the date calculated from the start date and lease period. Resolved issue where users who had previously used the system were unable to re-create driver records due to an email conflict in certain cases. Added support for the TelematicsNotifyDriverID in the fleet upload. Prevent page errors when users enter invalid date / time values. Security improvements
PoolCar | | February 2025 | |
PoolCar | | February 2025 | |
PoolCar | | February 2025 | Add new feature to let system administrators to view the drivers assigned to each access group. Increased the limit for searching Audit Trail and Email Log items from 18 months to 2.5 years. Resolved an issue where exporting a large number of results from the audit trail could cause an error. Updated excel exports and added pagination for the Utilisation report Fixed an issue where new users could not be added to sites using a particular 3rd party integration. Embedded images in emails will not be saved to email logs.
PoolCar | | January 2025 | Fixed an issue that prevented servicing status updates on newly added vehicles. Fixed an issue where regular users were unable to edit multi-day bookings in a situation where they should have been able to. Fixed an error that could occur the first time a user viewed certain report pages.
PoolCar | | January 2025 | |
PoolCar | | January 2025 | Updated the the "Booked" functionality in the servicing register. If a vehicle is booked for a service, the status will remain as "Booked" until a new servicing entry is added for the vehicle and will not revert to "Overdue" if the vehicle is still booked when the servicing date has passed. Improved excel exports on 15 reports. Improved the performance of the Internal Charging report. The system now logs a message into the audit trail if a KeyMaster cabinet attempts to connect to a PoolCar site but it is not yet registered to the site. Resolved an issue where empty values were accepted for Cost Centre code and Project code when these were set to not be sourced from the reference table. Resolve issue of mobile bookings accepting incomplete mandatory Custom fields in specific scenarios. Resolved issue with the EV Status Report when displaying vehicles with no data. Fixed a calculation error in the Fuel Consumption report that could result in an incorrect figure for total cost. Resolve issues that could cause driver licence verification to be reset when a user updated their details on the My Details page. Resolved an issue where the lease expiry date could show the incorrect date. Fixed a display issue with the help popups where the "X" button would sometimes be difficult to click.
PoolCar | | December 2024 | Resolve issue of totals not being shown in Logbook report. Fixed issue where the drivers licence status was set to 'verification required' by the licence verification robot, even when the drivers licence details had not changed. Resolve issue of users not able to create/edit booking for self when other restrictions are imposed with App Settings. Resolve issue of booking form allowing spaces as Driver Name. Improved error messages when checking in / out a booking on the Mobile site. Customers can now turn off failed booking notification receipts for Pool Admins. Resolved issues of report filters on the fuel consumption report. Resolve UI issue of Cost Centre label not being shown the correct value in Driver Register. Resolve issue of manage users page not accepting emails with domain names containing capital letters. Improved Excel exports in the following reports Lease Snapshot Report Expenses By Rego Report No ODO Values Entered Report ODOs As At (Date) - Odometer Readings as at (Date) Report System Messages Activity Log Report Replacement As At (Date) Upcoming Registration Renewal CO2 Emissions Report Expense (Last Date)
PoolCar | | November 2024 | Resolved an issue where the Kiosk Check Out / In page did not work properly on older browsers. Resolved an issue where the driver's licence status was being set to 'verification required', even if their licence had previously been verified.
PoolCar | | November 2024 | Users can now choose whether help popups are displayed when viewing a page for the first time. To turn these messages off, use the My Settings page. Fixed issue where Pool Officers and Pool Managers were unable to check in vehicles when certain EV features were enabled. Improved Excel export functionality in the following pages: Bookings Search Cancelled Bookings Search Fringe Benefits Tax (By Booking) Report Fringe Benefits Tax (By Driver) Report Fuel Consumption Report Internal Charging Report Certification Register Expense Register Fuel Register Incident Register Infringement Notice Register Lease Register Recall Register Registration Renewal Register RUC Register Servicing Register Toll Register
PoolCar | | November 2024 | Updated the Pool Assignment interface in the Asset Register for improved clarity and control. Admins can now specify a time within the day for the assignment to start / end and error messages are more informative. The /Services/Pools/PoolAssets.asmx/AddByFleetID endpoint no longer overrides the specified start time if the assignment starts on the current day. Pool assignments can still be set to start immediately by providing an empty string in the DateFromString field. The /Services/Pools/PoolAssets.asmx/AddByFleetID endpoint now accepts a time component in the DateToString field. If no time component is specified or the time component is 12:00 AM, the end time is set to the default value of 11:59 PM. Resolved performance issues with the GetAllBookingsByRego API endpoint.
PoolCar | | October 2024 | Fixed an issue where the calendar headers could become misaligned with the calendar columns. Changed the wording of the Booking Confirmation calendar attachment to reference 'Booking ID' instead of 'Trip ID' Resolved the issues in setting the servicing status logic. Significantly improved the response times of the GetAllBookings and GetAllBookingsWithOverdueFlag endpoints. Added a new endpoint, GetMinimalBookingsBetween which returns a subset of the booking details (start and end times and contact details) with much faster response times.
PoolCar | | September 2024 | |
PoolCar | | September 2024 | |
PoolCar | | September 2024 | Resolved an issue where existing driver licence details were not automatically displayed when using the Welcome page to edit driver details. New feature to add custom disclaimer text to all emails originating from PoolCar. This can be configured with the AppSetting "Email Disclaimer Text". When checking in vehicles via Keyless Entry on the mobile site there is now an additional prompt to ensure the lock command was successful before checking in. Users can retry the lock command if the first attempt was unsuccessful. Fixed issue where the clickable area of certain checkboxes was much larger than expected. Added support for recurring bookings in Trip Planning Security Improvements
PoolCar | | August 2024 | |
PoolCar | | August 2024 | Increased the limit for viewing and exporting records to 5000 records per page Resolved issue in the System Emails page where the email timestamp was displaying in UTC rather than the local time zone. Updated the text on the Welcome page Resolved issue where system generated emails could have very long line lengths, which sometimes resulted in a DKIM signature mismatch if the lines were altered by external mail servers. Security Improvements
PoolCar | | July 2024 | |
PoolCar | | July 2024 | Added “Booked” as a new servicing status: When a vehicle has been booked for servicing, the system admin must input the Service Booked Date in the Asset Register screen, which will update the Servicing status to 'Booked.' System admins can identify which vehicles are booked for servicing on which dates in the Servicing Register screen. After the servicing is completed, the admin updates the servicing details in the Servicing Register screen, and the correct status will be updated accordingly. Fix an issue on the Welcome page that prevented user details from being saved when the access group options were hidden. Resolved issue where mobile app users could check out booking that were not approved. Driver Licence Number is not longer stored as part of Driver information, being a critical piece of PII. Existing values have been removed. Update the CreateBookingSimplified API endpoint to address issue where users could not create a booking when their Licence Type is No Licence. Moved the Sign Out button to the right side of the screen to prevent accidental clicks. Fixed an issue where the menu bar would display on top of the date picker on certain screen sizes. "Update Driver Licence" link can now be removed from application navigation footer Fixed an issue where updating booking times using drag-and-drop on the calendar could produce unexpected results if the booking started earlier than the calendar start time. Resolved the typo in late return email. Addressed issue where the calendar would sometimes display behind other page elements. Fixed issue where booking approval links in emails did not work correctly for some email clients. Replaced the deprecated Rego Month field in the Asset Register with the Registration Expires When field. The Rego Month is still visible but can no longer be edited. Return date on the New Booking page now updates when the pickup date is changed. Security improvements.
PoolCar | | April 2024 | |
PoolCar | | April 2024 | Resolve issues with System Admin users not able to see manual transmission vehicle in the mobile pages when their licence type is Automatic. Resolve the issue of Cost Centre Description shown as null in the typeahead functionality. Resolve the issue of PoolAsset API allowing multiple Pool assignments simultaneously. Add new API end points - GetPoolAssetIDByFleetIdAsAt and GetPoolAssetIDByRegoAsAt. Update User Guides Updated the logo upload page to improve security. Resolved the issue causing certain reports to show incorrect availability minutes when the business hours did not line up with the end of an hour. This fixes a discrepancy between the Pool Utilisation By Month, Pool Utilisation By Day, and Pool Utilisation By Hour pages. Trip Planning improvements
PoolCar | | December 2023 | Resolve issues with System Admin users not able to see manual transmission vehicle in the calendar when their licence type is Automatic. Improvements made in sending cabinet power lost emails to admins who have apostrophe in their email ids.
PoolCar | | November 2023 | Added PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicle) as an available fuel type when editing vehicles Resolved issue where the Internal Charging Report would sometimes ignore the specified cost centre filter Addressed an issue where the booking type would automatically change to Staff Use when the Description field contains the term Car Wash Updated PoolCar Scheduled Robots to use custom port number while uploading to customer FTP locations Added dedicated error page. Errors will now cause this page to be displayed rather than redirecting the user to the My Bookings page
PoolCar | | October 2023 | |
PoolCar | | August 2023 | |
PoolCar | | August 2023 | |
PoolCar | | August 2023 | Resolved issue with password reset emails not being delivered to users with an apostrophe in their emails. Customers can now request Smartrak to change the display name of NO LICENCE licence type. It is also possible to hide licence details in the welcome page and default the licence type to NO LICENCE .
PoolCar | | August 2023 | Booking Form Cost Centre Search now checks if keyword is anywhere in the Cost Centre name, rather than just the start. Reduced noise in the Audit Trail from 5-minute scheduled tasks. Improved performance of Audit Trail search. Fixed bug where re-sending emails would not work. Fixed bug where indecent damage notifications where not being sent.
PoolCar | | July 2023 | Resolve the issue of driver agreement form link not replaced in status expired, expiring soon, and verification emails. Fix issues where Keyless customers are unable to unlock/lock their vehicles from the booking form Fix internal charging report breaking when there are too many cost centres
PoolCar | | June 2023 | Fix usernames with apostrophes not being able to see CheckInOut page. Wording for re-occurring bookings have been updated to match functionality. App Settings added to allow Pool Managers and Pool Officers book on-behalf.
PoolCar | | June 2023 | Fix for late return alert emails not send for some customers System admin can now allow Pool Managers, Officers and Site Admins to make bookings on behalf of others (including non-registered drivers) for the vehicles they manage with the help of a new app setting. Issue of Kiosk mode not defaulting to user's selected pool is resolved.
PoolCar | | June 2023 | |
PoolCar | | May 2023 | Resolve issue of Pool Managers and Site Admins able to make bookings for other drivers and non-registered users when it is disabled by settings. Resolve issues with users not able to search Audit trail.
Rolln | | May 2023 | |
PoolCar | | May 2023 | Resolves out of order audit trail logs. Fix will only affect new logs. Resolves crash in infringement register when there are no vehicle admins specified for the vehicles. Pool Managers will also receive infringement notices when it is created.
PoolCar | | April 2023 | Fix issue where user's with apostrophe's in their email cannot receive booking recipients Fix issue where admins were not receiving incident report email Custom Field Text boxes are added to Trip Planning, You can view them in the demo.
PoolCar | | Mar 2023 | |
PoolCar | | Feb 2023 | Fixed a rare issue where the Internal Charging Report could crash when a vehicle booking started prior to Pool Assignment. You can now “Skip” the Total spend (ex GST) column as part of your fuel card column mappings. Fix the incorrect day of week on Overdue Booking emails
PoolCar | | Feb 2023 | Fix rare login issue that could occur on Mobile Trip Planning now displays the Cost Centre Description as subtext when selecting a Cost Centre Fix AppSettings page sometimes extending below the visible area on the page.
PoolCar | | Jan 2023 | |
PoolCar | | Jan 2023 | |
PoolCar | | Dec 2022 | Internal charging report's billable end can now be configured to use either of "The latest of booking end time or check in time. (Default)" or "Check in time when available". Fix duplicate driver records from getting created when leading/trailing space is entered during login. Added new Sort By “Lowest Mileage“ option for pools. Fix claims being unreadable on booking calendar when moving between search pages. Fix miscalculation issue in charge out rules for multi day bookings when maximum daily limit is applied. Fixed an issue caused by the "Number of Child Restraint Anchors" cap of 5. Removed limit.
PoolCar | | Nov 2022 | Fix New Booking page crashing when there is no fuel type dropdown. Trip Planning now supports Free Entry Cost Centres. Fix vehicles being visible in Pools they have been recently un-assigned from.
PoolCar | | Nov 2022 | Keyless device details can now be added to vehicles using Asset Register. Updating the device details has been improved. Keyless Lock and Unlock operations in Asset Register now display a message to indicate if initiating the operation was successful or not. Improved data validation when creating and updating custom fields. Fixed an issue with the Mobile App where some SSO users could not create bookings.
PoolCar | | Oct 2022 | Admins can turn on/off 'Purpose of Journey' field in Trip Planning using PoolCar App Setting. Improve the Trip Planning time picker. Trip Planning now adheres to the Cost Centre Field Visibility app settings. Booking Search and Cancelled Booking Search will now list the bookings even if the vehicle does not belong to any Pool at the time of booking. Fix change of behavior of Keyless validation for System Administrators and Pool Managers Bulk import of Cost Centres now identifies duplicates and update existing record with values from the import file if the record is not locked. Locked records are no more updated as part of the import.
PoolCar | | Oct 2022 | Booking Search now includes overdue bookings from the past that extends to the search period. Improved booking search for Pool Managers. Improve performance of Internal Charging Report. Fix an issue that was causing the Internal Charging Report page to crash when downloading large reports. Internal Charging Report can now be Exported without first generating the report.
PoolCar | | Sep 2022 | The default start date on Pool Manager's booking search page is now aligned with other booking search pages (current date - 30 days). New “Hide Sign Out“ app setting to disable the sign out links. Only accessible to SSO customers
PoolCar | | Jul 2022 | |
PoolCar | | Jul 2022 | |
PoolCar | | Jun 2022 | |
PoolCar | | Jun 2022 | |
PoolCar | | May 2022 | |
PoolCar | | May 2022 | Improved Reports Page performance When deleting access groups, Audit Trail now displays delete access group name. An administrator Name and Email can now optionally be associated with a Cost Centre. If they are defined, the journals (Cost Centre Owner's Report) will be emailed to the administrator instead of the owner
PoolCar | | Apr 2022 | |
PoolCar | | Mar 2022 | Trip Plannings Admin link updated to take user to their correct role's landing page Mandatory Pool App Setting is now enforced on Availability Search Fixed issue with some customers being redirected to My Booking when accessing Pending Journal. Improved loading speed on Odometer Reading pages. Also addressing delayed syncs with Key Master
PoolCar | | Feb 2022 | |
PoolCar | | Feb 2022 | Fix issues with Booking Calendar no longer being available to Non-SysAdmin users Fixed Internal Charging Report not running due to Pools error Passenger Manifest Report can now be used by all customers Added Total as a footer on the Passenger Report UI Added Total as a footer on the Passenger Report Export Date Filter has been added to the Passenger Manifest Report (Filters by Booking Pickup/DropOff)
PoolCar | | Feb 2022 | Fix issue of being able to transfer bookings to vehicle not in the vehicle register. Fix issue with SysAdmins not being able to access the Asset Details page Added feature so when adding a vehicle with a AssetType that does not exist in the customer's database, it will add it. Fixed incorrect Keyword Tags format when exporting to excel from Asset Register. Fixed issue with bulk import passengers feature showing the users a error when importing in any passengers.
PoolCar | | Jan 2022 | Fixed UI issue where SysAdmin drop down shows behind the new bookings calendar Late Return emails has a more user friendly prompt when there is no next booking Added new feature that will allow users to update asset/vehicle's asset type through the vehicle or asset register. Improved the loading speed of large amount of CostCentres/ProjectCodes when selecting them in the Mobile Site KeyMaster's local odometer synced when vehicle is manually checked in on PoolCar by admin or driver Fixed issue where SysAdmin's Late Return email is linked to the wrong email after changing their PoolCar password.
PoolCar | | Dec 2021 | Removed support for V1 KeyMaster cabinets on Manage Units page Fixed bug where Imported Fuel Cards had the PricePerLitre round up. Made it easier to find whom approved / declined bookings by including the booking ID in the audit trail record Fixed issue where daily robots may run twice Update support link in SysAdmin main menu to make it easier to find self-help articles related to PoolCar Fixed issue where internal charging report would have some bookings record negative distance traveled when they didn't travel at all.
PoolCar | | Dec 2021 | New version pop-up to System Admins now contains a link to these release notes Updated version release notes link to point to these release notes The Priority claim booking header text color is changed to provide better readability. Resolved issue with bulk bookings where it was blocking some attempts by users to upload bookings. Resolved issue with keyword tags import within bulk importer for vehicles Added the ability to assign a Cost Centre and Project Code when making a booking through the PoolCar Mobile Site Added the ability to assign a Cost Centre and Project Code when editing a existing booking through the PoolCar Mobile Site Users can now view Cost Centre and Project Codes of bookings through the Mobile site's booking details.
PoolCar | | Dec 2021 | Fixed issue where drivers were always needing to be re-verified, even without any changes to their license details. Fixed the "Email Address for approval" form on the Approval Triggers Details page to reflect the correct value. Originally this was not showing the correct value when either "Vehicle Contacts" or "CampusAdmins" was selected.
PoolCar | | Nov 2021 | |
PoolCar | | Nov 2021 | Improved performance within the process that retrieves custom fields when populating the booking calendar objects in the New Bookings page. Fixed bug in Telematics Robot where end odometers were not updated when a booking is checked in while their reservation end time is still in the future. Fixed bug in the Smartrak Telematics Robot where trips were not be properly linked to their bookings for NZ customers. This fixes end odometers being updated incorrectly with odo value of 0.
PoolCar | | Feb 2021 | |
PoolCar | | Feb 2021 | |
PoolCar | | Jan 2021 | Home Campus is now exported as part of the Driver Register export Resolved issue with ‘Email already in use’ error when re-adding previously deleted users Resolved issue with Driver webservice documentation not showing all available driver fields
PoolCar | | Jan 2021 | |
PoolCar | | Dec 2020 | |
KeyMaster v3 | 3.0.26 | Nov 2020 | |
PoolCar | | Oct 2020 | |