The purpose of this report is to allow you to track how many days since your assets meters (odometer & hubodometer) were last updated.  

It is useful for understanding which vehicles may require a recailbration.  Why is this necessary?  Read all about it here: GPS vs odometer mileage

How to identify how long since your resource's odometer/hubodometer reading was synced?

  • The information will be displayed on the screen or scroll to the bottom of the page and click Download Spreadsheet to download an Excel file of all the details

  • The Excel file shows the following information;

    • Resource Name

    • Rego

    • Date Odometer Updated

    • Days since Odometer Updated

    • Date Hubodometer Updated

    • Days since Hubodometer Updated 

If you are still unable to find an answer to your question, please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk

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