How To Run The Report |
The Vehicle Utilisation Report is only accessible to users with System Administrator access. This can be found under the Reports heading on your main menu.
Select the data range you wish to report on, and . You can filter based on Pool . Leave this filter set to ‘Any Pool’ to filter on all vehicleshowever that doesn’t give you the Pools utilisation but it does allow you to view the utilisation of the vehicles that were in that pool during that time. For example if you have archived a vehicle but it was in the pool during the reporting period, you will be able to view the utilisation of that vehicle over the date range specified. To view the actual Pool utilisation you can use the Pool UItilisation Report by hour, day or month. To report on archived vehicles. Change the Vehicle Status filter to Archived or leave as Active to report on the vehicles currently live in your system. Select the business hours you wish to report on and hit refresh. Use the Export to Excel link in the top right corner to download the report. |