System generated emails can be customised by a System Administrator via the Email & Page Templates, which is accessible on the Main Menu.
The system can pull through certain fields using [placeholders]. This page lists the placeholders and describes what they do.
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to type these placeholders into the template manually as copying and pasting will not retain the correct format. Ensure you include the square brackets of the placeholder, e.g., [BookingStart].
Expand | ||
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Passenger Approved |
Expand | ||
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Licence Approval Required |
Expand | ||
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Licence Expired |
Expand | ||
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Passenger Approved |
Bookings | |
Placeholder | Description |
[BookingStart] | Booking/Reservation start date & time |
[BookingEnd] | Booking/Reservation end date & time |
[BookingSpan] | Easily readable span of booking |
[BookingNumber] | Booking unique number |
[Vehicle] | Readable description of vehicle - "Make Model Bodytype (Colour)" |
[Rego] | Registration / Licence Plate number of the vehicle booked |
[Campus] | Referring to the home campus of the asset. This can be set in the asset details under Asset Register |
[Location] | Location of the vehicle booked (Campus Administration only) |
[Department] | Department of the vehicle booked (Only applies to the older version of PoolCar with Campus Administration access)) |
[BookingName] | Name of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[BookingContactNumber] | Contact number of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[BookingEmail] | Email of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[DriverCostCentre] | Cost centre code of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[DriverProjectCode] | Project code of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[CarLocationOnMap] | Links to a google map pin of the vehicles current location - same as Telematics tab |
[BookingDescription] | Provided value for the default Purpose/Destination field |
[ContactCollectionReturn] | Pool Management Suite users only |
[Customfields] | Displays all custom fields for a booking, both label and value |
[Destination] | Response to a custom form field of type Destination can be shown separately from the custom fields blob. |
[Origin] | Response to a custom form field of type Origin can be shown separately from the custom fields blob. |
[PassengerManifest] | Displays all passengers for a booking and their name, phone number and email address |
[FirstPassenger] | Displays the name and phone number of the first passenger for a booking |
[RecurringBooking] | "This booking is apart of a series of recurring bookings" is shown only if the booking is part of a recurring booking series. |
[provisional][/provisional] | All text / placeholders within this placeholder block is only shown if the booking provisional |
[ApprovalTriggerEmail] | Displays all emails that the approval required email is sent to for a provisional booking. This should be included within the provisional placeholder block. |
[ApprovalTriggerComments] | Displays the approval trigger comments added when the trigger is created |
Driver | |
Placeholder | Description |
[FirstName] | Driver's first name |
[LastName] | Driver's last name |
[LicenceName] | Driver's licence name |
[LicenceNumber] | Driver's licence number with the middle three digits obsfucated |
[LicenceType] | Driver's licence type |
[LicenceExpiry] | Driver's licence expiry date |
[linkDriverAgreementForm] | Displays a link to the uploaded Driver Agreement form via the bulk loader |
[CanDriveManual] | If the driver is permitted to drive manual vehicles then "YES" is displayed, otherwise it displays "NO" |
[Probationary] | If the driver has a probationary licence then "YES" is displayed, otherwise it displays "NO" |
[LineManagerCatchAll] | Displays the line manager catch all email address |
[ExpiringDate] | Driver's licence expiry date |
Vehicle | |
Placeholder | Description |
[PoolName] | Current Pool of the vehicle (at the time of the email been generated) |
[Rego] | Rego of the vehicle |
[KeyNo] | Key number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ParkingLocation] | Parking location of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleName] | Vehicle name of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[AssetNo] | Asset number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[Instructions] | Instructions to user of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[Colour] | Vehicle colour of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleDescription] | Readable description of vehicle - "Make Model Bodytype (Colour)" Colour is not shown if not provided |
[LastServiceDate] | Date of the last service as per the Vehicle Register |
[NextServiceDate] | Date of the next service required as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleCostCentre] | Cost centre code of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleProjectCode] | Project code of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[BodyType] | Body type / Vehicle type of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ChassisNo] | VIN/Chassis Number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingRegimeKMs] | Servicing regime KMs of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingRegimeMonths] | Servicing regime months of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingStatus] | Current servicing status of the vehicle as per the Servicing Register |
[FuelType] | Fuel type of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ODReading] | Current Odometer Reading of the vehicle. |
[ODReadingDate] | Current Odometer Reading Date of the vehicle. |
Infringements | |
Placeholder | Description |
[OffenceDateTime] | Date of the offence / infringement |
[Rego] | Rego of the offending vehicle |
[IssuingAuthority] | Authority whom sent the infringement notice |
[OffenceType] | Type of the infringement |
[Location] | Location of the offence |
[SpeedZoneKMH] | Zone speed where the offence took place |
[AllegedSpeedKMH] | Alleged speed of the offending vehicle at the time of the offence |
[ExceededLimitBy] | How far the offending vehicle exceeded the speed limit |
[now+dX] | Date a response back to the System Administrators is required. This date is created based on the number provided after d in the placeholder. X can be replaced with any number |
Licence Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[LicenceApprovalLink] | Link to approve the driver licence for the driver's line manager to action |
Passenger Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[PassengerName] | Name of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
[PassengerPhone] | Phone number of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
[PassengerEmail] | Email of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
Booking Receipts | |
Placeholder | Description |
[keylessentry][/keylessentry] | All text / placeholders within this placeholder block is only shown if the vehicle has keyless entry installed |
Booking Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[ApproveDeclineLinks] | Approve and decline links for bookings sent within the Approval Required email. |
Welcome Email Templates | |
Placeholder | Description |
[firstname] | First name of the user |
[username] | Username of the user to sign into Smartrak's PoolCar |
[password] | Temporary password created that is used for first time entry. The user will be asked to change their password when they first log in |
[url] | URL to access Smartrak's PoolCar |
Servicing Reminder Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[NonDeptUse][/NonDeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [NonDeptUse] and [/NonDeptUse] is shown when a vehicle has the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[DeptUse][/DeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [DeptUse] and [/DeptUse] is shown when a vehicle does not have the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[Reason] | Reason for the Service (ODO / Time) |
[ServicingStatus] | Current status of the vehicle's servicing (Soon, Overdue) |
Serviceability Check Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[NonDeptUse][/NonDeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [NonDeptUse] and [/NonDeptUse] is shown when a vehicle has the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[DeptUse][/DeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [DeptUse] and [/DeptUse] is shown when a vehicle does not have the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[Reason] | Reason for the Serviceability Check |
[Status] | Current status of the serviceability check (Soon, Overdue) |
Usage Statement Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[DriverFullName] | Driver's first name and last name |
[DriverCostCentre] | Driver's cost centre code |
[BookingsTable] | Table of all bookings in the past 7 days |
Failed Booking Request | |
[ReservationStart] | Requested start time for a prospective booking |
[ReservationEnd] | Requested end time for a prospective booking |
[RequestMadeByUsername] | Username of a Poolcar logged-in user performed the search |
[RequestMadeWhen] | Timestamp of a search request |
[Campus] | Campus specified in request, if any |
[Department] | Department specified in request, if any |
[Location] | Location specified in request, if any |
[BodyType] | Body type specified in request, if any |
[FuelType] | Fuel type specified in request, if any |
[Transmission] | Transmission specified in request, if any |
[KeywordTag] | Keywords type specified in request, if any |
[EtagOn] | If configured, YES/NO reflecting whether “Etag On” is checked in request |
[PoolName] | The name of a particular pool, when chosen |
If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk