PLEASE REFER TO: Orders & Returns
This page describes the process to request a hardware order for planned maintenance works, where stock is owned or required to be purchased
1. Open your web browser and navigate to Smartrak to Smartrak Service Desk
2. Select the Service Request link
3. Complete Complete the Support Request fields, example shown.
4. For each device you wish to order, complete a row in the spreadsheet below:
Note: there are different versions for NZ and Aus
- (Standard inputs are; Power Earth and Ignition)
- (Standard Hardware is; AVL unit, Aerials and Wiring Loom)
- (Standard personal locator hardware is; Personal locator and charger)
5. Save the sheet and attach it to the request
6. Submit the request
7. If you have previously purchased hardware to complete the the order the job will be actioned, an overview of the process can be found here Smartrak BAU interaction
8. If a purchase is required to complete this request, the Customer Service Team will create a quote and reassign the request to you
9. Please attach Attach a Purchase Order for the value required and a signed copy of the quote to the ticket, when this is completed the request will begin, an over view of the process can be found here Smartrak BAU interaction