Name | Description |
Auxiliary Motor Report | This report calculates the total auxiliary motor running time for each day in the selected period. It also calculates the total for each vehicle for the period. |
Booking Exceptions Report | This report lists booking exceptions. Driver, booking number, date/time of booking and exception details are listed. |
Booking Lengths Report | Lists the number of booking for each lengths in breaks of half an hour. |
Booking List Report | Lists each booking in the specified period showing Cost Centre, Vehicle, Driver, Date/Time and Reason for Travel. |
Booking Usage Report | Total usage times, distance travelled and cost is calculated for each item. |
Overnight Usage Report | This report lists times a vehicle is taken outside its base geofence overnight. Vehicle, geofence exit and enter times, Driver, booking number, date/time of booking are listed. |
Booking Report | This report details all the bookings within the supplied date range |
Booking Utilisation Report | This report shows the pure, geofence and booking utilisations by date and group. It's designed to reveal opportunities to optimize fleet usage and size. |
Daily Usage Report | This report calculates the daily distance travelled, idle time and first/last key events for each selected vehicle. Key on Period: Difference between the first and last key time. Key on Duration: Total time the key was turned on for the period. |
Dispatch Location Report | This report shows all locations that have been dispatched to the selected resources during the specified time period. |
Driver Behaviour Report | This report details the daily number of excessive speed or GForce events for each driver of the selected vehicles |
Driver Logon Period Report | This report shows the total length of time each driver is logged on to each vehicle during the specified time period. Logon periods which overlap the date range of the report are truncated and marked with an asterix |
Driver Logon Report | This report show all driver log-on and log-off events in the specified time period. |
Emergency Log Report | This report returns a list of all emergency alerts for the specified period. |
Fleet Utilisation Report | This report shows a range-bar graph where each bar represents a trip and each column is a day. It's designed to reveal opportunities to optimize fleet usage and size. |
Fleet Utilisation Summary Report | This report shows a summary of the utilisation of the selected remotes for the selected period. It is a percentage summary of the data in the Fleet Utilisation Report. |
Fuel Usage Exception Report | Creates a report that shows abnormal fuel usage periods for the selected resources. For best results, select only resources that drive or fuel up in a similiar manner (ie: do not select both high and low fuel usage vehicles). |
Fuel Usage Report | This report produces a summary of the selected vehicles fuel usage, and their fuel cost over the selected date range. Note: An asterix indicates that the fuel period overlaps the start or end date of the report. |
Geofence Report | This summary report calculates distance travelled within geofences. |
Graphical Report | This report allows you to produce graphs of the following metrics: Distance Travelled, Engine Idle Time, Auxilary Motor Uptime, SpeedG-Force. This report cannot be saved. |
Idle Breakdown Report | This report shows periods where Vehicles were idle for atleast 1 minute. |
Vehicle Behaviour Report | This report details the daily number of excessive speed or GForce events for each selected vehicle |
Messaging Export | This report exports all messages sent and received by a resource over the given period. |
Not used during business hours Report | This report lists each day a vehicle is not used during business hours. It lists each day during the reporting period that a vehicle is not used. |
Offroad Report | Summary report shows periods of offroad travel with totals. |
Overspeed Period Report | This report shows the individual periods where resources where overspeeding. |
Overspeed Severity Report | This report shows the severity by which each resource was speeding during the selected period. Resources can optionally be grouped into 3 categories based on their degree of speeding, when compared among the other selected resources. |
Activity Report | This report shows the selected events for each selected resource over the given period. |
Trip Report | This report lists each Key on period in a given day. For each period the key on/off event times, daily distance travelled and the idle time are shown. |
Trips Out of Business Hours Report | This report lists each Key on period in a given day that is at least partially outside the specified business hours. For each period the key on/off event times, daily distance travelled and the idle time are shown. |
Trips Out of Geofence Report | This report lists each Key on period in a given day that is at least partially outside the specified geofence. For each period the key on/off event times, daily distance travelled and the idle time are shown. |
Vehicle Behaviour Report | This report details the daily number of excessive speed or GForce events for each selected vehicle |
Vehicle Stops Report | This report shows where the given vehicles have stopped and for how long. Overnight stops and stops less than a minute long are not shown. |
Vehicle Use Outside Booking Report | This report shows if a pool vehicle has been used without an approved pool booking |
Map Tag Zone Report | This report shows in which zones the given vehicles have stopped and for how long. Stops less than a minute long are not shown. |
Vehicle Score Report | This report gives vehicles a score based on excessive speed, GForce, or long trip events |