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These insights from your telematics data enable managers to monitor the overall distance travelled by the fleet and to help identify trends in trip distances. This will aid improvements in vehicle selection and managing peak demand. There are three indicators,

  • Total Fleet Today: The total fleet distance travelled across all assets for the current day. The calculation is total distance travelled from 12am to the last 15-minute update.

  • Fleet Average Last 30 Days: The daily average distance travelled for the entire fleet (across all assets) for the last 30 days (excludes the current day). The calculation is total distance travelled in the last 30 days / 30.

  • Daily Distance Travelled (km) Last 7 days: Total distance travelled by day of the week for last 7 days.


If there are assets that have not yet transmitted their data, due to being out of cellular or satellite coverage, this data will not be included until the vehicle returns into coverage and transmits the outstanding data.


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Trip Distance

These insights from Telematics data enable managers to monitor the length of trips travelled by the fleet and to help optimise fleet composition and size. There are three indicators:

  • Average Trip Length Yesterday: The average trip distance travelled across all assets for the preceding day. The calculation is total distance travelled / the number of trips travelled on the previous day.

  • Average Trip Last 30 Days: The average trip distance travelled across all assets for the last 30 days (excluding the current day). The calculation is total distance travelled in the last 30 days / the number of trips travelled in the last 30 days.

  • Trip Count by Distance Yesterday: Trips counted by the distance travelled (0-10km, 11-20km, 21-50km, 51-100km, 101-250km, over 250km) for the previous day.

If there are assets that have not yet transmitted their data due to being out of coverage, this data will not be included until the vehicle returns to coverage and transmits that data.


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Pool Utilisation

These insights, derived from fleet booking data, are designed to assist fleet managers with optimisation of their total fleet requirements and to clarify daily usage patterns.

The  Pool Utilisation Model (used with Booking + Telematics),

  • The calculation counts how many vehicles are in the base geofence in 30-minute blocks over a 12-hour day from 6.00am to 6.00pm.

  • Pool utilisation is calculated per vehicle and aggregated for the fleet, based on  the number of hours vehicles are in use (ie. checked out)

  • The calculation excludes weekends and public holidays.

There are two indicators in this widget:

  • Average Utilisation Last 2 Weeks: Average utilisation percentage for the fleet over a day (6.00am to 6.00pm) for the last 2 weeks (excludes weekends and public holidays).

  • The gauge chart has colour bands set at the following thresholds; green= average utilisation >= 75%, yellow = average utilisation is between 50% and 75%, and red = average utilisation is less than 50%.

  • Average Workday Utilisation (%) Last 2 Weeks: Average daily (6am to 6pm) utilisation of the fleet by time of day (measured in 30-minute blocks), for the last 2 weeks (excludes weekends and public holidays).


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Driver Safety Score

It is often said that the majority of drivers believe they are better than average, but clearly this is not statistically possible. The driver safety insights from Telematics data with Real Road Speed (RRS) enabled, provides an objective insight into true driver safety. Driver scores can be viewed by both managers and drivers, allowing self-directed behavioural change, and performance management of overspeeding behaviour. These insights will help correct mistakes, improve compliance with driving policy, enhance driver safety and help to address driver fatigue.


The Driver Safety Score Model (optimised for Telematics with RRS enabled).

  • Driver Safety Score is a measurement of driver behaviour based on overspeed events and fatigue estimations over the preceding 4 weeks.

  • Over a 4-week period, drivers are allocated 100 points and each safety infraction subtracts from that score, down to a minimum of 0. The score is a rolling tally with a slightly higher weighting on more recent infractions. 

  • Overspeed infractions are weighted against both the time spent over the posted speed limit, and the severity of the speeding above the posted speed limit.

  • Fatigue infractions are accumulated by driving for more than 5 hours without a minimum 30-minute break.

  • These infraction points are added together and subtracted from the driver’s 100 points, which provides their final driver safety score.


There are two indicators of driver score in this widget:

  • Safe Drivers: The percentage of safe drivers in the organisation for last 4 weeks. This shows the percentage of drivers who are at or above the minimum score that is deemed to be a safe driver (i.e., have a score ≥99, out of 100). Having a value of 72% means that 72% of active drivers are considered safe drivers, and the remaining 28% of drivers are taking excessive risks that are placing themselves, their passengers and the wider public in danger.

The gauge chart has colour bands set at the following thresholds; green = 90% of drivers over  the safe driver threshold, yellow = 80-90% of drivers over the safe driver threshold, and red = less than 80% of drivers over the safe driver threshold.

  • Highest Risk Drivers: Lists the names of the 5 highest risk drivers in the organisation along with  their current Safety Score. This individual driver safety score is based on the same driver safety score algorithm that’s used in the organisation-wide safe driver metric.



Over speeding

These insights from Telematics data with RRS enabled provide managers with an easy-to-read summary of overspeeding incidents and help identify when and where overspeeding behaviour is most prevalent (the days of the week and time of day). These insights help target efforts to reduce driver, passenger and pedestrian risk. There are 3 indicators:

  • Total Overspeeds per Day (Last 7 Days): Total number of overspeed periods that occurred each day, over the last 7 full days (excluding the current day) for all assets the user has permissions to view.

  • Overspeeds by Time of Day (Last 7 Days): All overspeed periods by time of day for the last 7 full days (excluding the current day) for all assets the user has permissions to view.

  • Overspeeds by Posted Limit: The amount of time(mins) that all tracked assets are over the speed limit in the last 7 full days (excluding the current day), grouped by the posted speed limit.


The overspeed’s per day, and by time of day, values represent complete beginning to end overspeed periods, regardless of the magnitude of over speeding.  Where the magnitude changes within an overspeed period, these periods are stitched together as one overspeed event in this widget. For instance, if someone is driving 110km/h in a 100km/h zone, and then enters an 80km/h zone, this will generate at least two periods of over speeding (one for the 100km/hr, and one for the 80km/hr) in the driver overspeed duration widget. The overspeed by posted speed limit widget on the other hand, combines those periods from when they started speeding until they stop speeding into one speeding event.



Why is a widget greyed out?

Case 1: The features required are currently not enabled for your company. Please contact your Customer Success Manager.

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If any one of the widgets in your dashboard contains the message illustrated above, it means the features are currently not enabled for your company. This is because the data required to populate the widget is unavailable due to functionality that is not currently enabled (such as real road speed) or the necessary data derives from products that have not been purchased.

Case 2: No data

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If any one of the widgets in your dashboard contains the information above, it means no data is available for the period across which the widget compiles data. If it occurs on Overspeeding widgets, your team has a great performance. But for most widgets, this is an unlikely scenario.  If it occurs it will relate to either a loss of data transmission from all tracking devices on your vehicles, or other specific issues. If this occurs please contact your organisation’s Level 1 Support.