Versions Compared


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The timed relay is a piece of hardware which works by cutting power to the Smartrak hardware after a 24-hour (configurable) period or once the resource’s battery is outputting less than a certain voltage. (The voltage drop isolation is determined by the relay itself,a not our AVL unit.)

The timed relay sits between the main power feed (and ground) of the Smartrak hardware and the vehicle (image below FYI). The timed relay will only allow power draw from the vehicle battery to the Smartrak hardware for the timed period which is by default set to 24 hours.


Once the timed relay has disconnected the Smartrak hardware from the vehicle power; , no events will be transmitted until the vehicle keys on again.

No emergency activations will be captured once the timed relay disconnects the vehicle power after the timed period as power is no longer connected to this hardware. The driver would have to ‘key on’ the vehicle to reconnect the vehicle battery to the AVL before emergency activations can be transmitted – and wait up to 10 seconds for devices to come back online.


Please contact the Customer Experience team via the service desk Service Desk to arrange for a quote for installation. Timed relays can be installed at the time of initial installation or retrofitted to existing vehicles.
