utilisation rate of each car Internal Charging – Generate a charge-out report for finance (this is the only report that records booking form custom field responses) Fuel Consumption – Scrutinise your fuel spend and CO2 output Lease Snapshot – Decision support tool to see how your leases are performing Expenses by Rego - See how the expenses stack up for each car and department No ODOs - See which trips have no odometer values recorded Log books - Electronic log book reports | Image Added |
Utilities | Robots – Manage scheduled tasks, your housekeeping robots Change Rego – Change a vehicles licence plate e.g. if stolen and replacement plates issued Change Email Address – Use this to correct incorrect email addresses Set Campus Admins – Use this to set campus admins to a standard ‘set’ of users System Message – Show a message to all users on the New Booking page e.g. reminders to keep cars clean and tidy | Image Added |
Uploaders | Odometer Readings – Batch uploads for users not uploading fuel card statements (the preferred method) Driver Agreement Form - You can upload your organisation’s agreement that drivers must sign as part of the Driver License Verification process Expense File – Batch upload of expenses. Use the supplied template Fuel Card File - Upload fuel card statements in CSV format Bulk load Vehicles/Resources – Upload fuel card statements in CSV format Bulk load User Accounts – Upload fuel card statements in CSV format Toll Statement – Upload toll statements in CSV format. | Image Added |
Security & Permissions | Manage Users – Here is where you add/edit/delete user accounts Audit Trail – Every time somebody does something it’s recorded in the audit log. Like footprints in the sand. Currently limited to 18 months of data. System Generated Emails – A copy of every email ever sent is stored here. Currently limited to 18 months of data. Approval Triggers – User this for instances where management approval is required to make a booking Access Group Rules - Here you can create partitions in your fleet so that only certain users see certain cars. | Image Added |
System Data | Fuel Card Formats – Add support for fuel card formats other than BP and Shell Asset Types – Add different asset types or asset classes e.g. Trailer, Vessel, meeting room etc…. Custom User Guides – Download the standard user guides, modify and upload your own version. There is a base template in Word format you can use and make your changes. Two different user guides are offered - one for standard users (download Word version here), and the other for campus/site administrators (download Word version here). These user guides appear in the 'User Guides' link in the footer of each page. Calendar Header Fields - Customize the information displayed on the availability search calendar. You can display specific fields for each vehicle body type. Body Types – Add different chassis types, if not already on the list Charge Out Rates – Create your own charge formulas Access Group Names – Setup the access group names Infringement Types List – Customize the list of infringement or violation types | Image Added |
Web Services (For IT Staff) - is used for integrating PoolCar with other IT systems, such as Finance or HR. | Journeys Passengers Road User Charges Cost Centres Bookings Vehicles Users Keys Drivers