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New Smartrak Map Icons

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We want to share with you a forthcoming change to Smartrak's Map Icons that will be rolling out in the next few weeks. Our current map icons were developed over a long period of time, without graphic designer input, or significant consideration of accessibility and legibility requirements.

The icon redesign is aimed at providing a more consistent and logical icon-set that provides improved clarity of meaning and is easier to read on the map.

What's new, other than the new designs?

When we went through the process of re-designing the icons, we also took some time to think about the ways in which they were used. One of the key new design features included is multiple states across particular icons. Some multi-state types include:

  • Activate/Deactivate/Active
  • On/Off
  • Up/Down
  • Open/Close
  • Enable/Disable
  • Connected/Disconnected
  • Engaged/Disengaged

Some of our existing icons would have already featured multi-stage designs, but these revised ones should be more comprehensive in covering the full state of different events, and will also provide consistency between icon designs to ensure visual consistency.

Additional to multiple states will be a new range of colours, which should again support accessibility and clarity between different icons and make it easier to see them on the map.

Finally, we have increased the size of the icons. This should help with viewing icons, particularly on smaller screen, or very large screens. 

Questions about the change?
Should you have any questions about these forthcoming changes, you are welcome to contact the customer service desk. Please note that none of these changes will impact the day-to-day operations of the EyeQ platform and all functionality will continue to operate as usual, just with new easier to read icons.

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