If your company is set up for alerts on geofence enters or exits, then this screen shows you how to create and edit recipients.
If you are not set up for this, these screens will not show up.
If your company does not have alerting geofences and you would like this functionality, please discuss your needs with the Support Team by raising a request.
Log into the Smartrak Admin Site https://admin.smartrak.co.nz/login.aspx
- Under the Alert menu, select Recipients
Create - allows you to set up new recipients
Manage - updates current recipient’s details or delete recipient
2. Assign alerts
Select Alert Recipient
Select Alert Type
Select the Resource/Remote to receive the alert (SMS Alert and/ or Email Alert)
Save to update changes
3. Confirm Alerts are set up correctly by selecting View Alert Assignment
By Recipient – Select Alert Recipient and all alert types and remotes will be listed
By Remote – Select Resource and all alert types and recipients will be listed
Below are screen shots of what the alerts will look like:
Geofence Exit Email includes the following information:
- Resource
- Company
- Time - date and time
- Address (lat long)
- Alert information - includes the geofence in question
Geofence Exit Text includes the following information, comma separated
- Alert type
- Vehicle name
- Company name
- Date
- Year
- Time
- Address
- Geofence name
- If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Support Desk. Service Desk