System generated emails can be customized by a System Administrator via the Email & Page Templates which is accessible on the Main Menu.
The system will pull certain fields using placeholders. This page outlines the placeholders and what they do.
PLEASE NOTE: You will need to type these placeholders into the template manually as copying and pasting will not retain the correct format.
Bookings | |
Placeholder | Description |
[BookingStart] | Booking/Reservation start date & time |
[BookingEnd] | Booking/Reservation end date & time |
[BookingSpan] | Easily readable span of booking |
[BookingNumber] | Booking unique number |
[Vehicle] | Readable description of vehicle - "Make Model Bodytype (Colour)" |
[Rego] | Registration / Licence Plate number of the vehicle booked |
[Campus] | Referring to the home campus of the asset. This can be set in the asset details under Asset Register |
[Location] | Location of the vehicle booked (Campus Administration only) |
[Department] | Department of the vehicle booked (Only applies to the older version of PoolCar with Campus Administration access)) |
[BookingName] | Name of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[BookingContactNumber] | Contact number of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[BookingEmail] | Email of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[DriverCostCentre] | Cost centre code of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[DriverProjectCode] | Project code of the driver whom the vehicle is booked for |
[CarLocationOnMap] | Links to a google map pin of the vehicles current location - same as Telematics tab |
[BookingDescription] | Provided value for the default Purpose/Destination field |
[ContactCollectionReturn] | Pool Management Suite users only |
[Customfields] | Displays all custom fields for a booking, both label and value |
[Destination] | Response to a custom form field of type Destination can be shown separately from the custom fields blob. |
[Origin] | Response to a custom form field of type Origin can be shown separately from the custom fields blob. |
[PassengerManifest] | Displays all passengers for a booking and their name, phone number and email address |
[FirstPassenger] | Displays the name and phone number of the first passenger for a booking |
[RecurringBooking] | "This booking is apart of a series of recurring bookings" is shown only if the booking is part of a recurring booking series. |
[provisional][/provisional] | All text / placeholders within this placeholder block is only shown if the booking provisional |
[ApprovalTriggerEmail] | Displays all emails that the approval required email is sent to for a provisional booking. This should be included within the provisional placeholder block. |
[ApprovalTriggerComments] | Displays the approval trigger comments added when the trigger is created |
Driver | |
Placeholder | Description |
[FirstName] | Driver's first name |
[LastName] | Driver's last name |
[LicenceName] | Driver's licence name |
[LicenceNumber] | Driver's licence number with the middle three digits obsfucated |
[LicenceType] | Driver's licence type |
[LicenceExpiry] | Driver's licence expiry date |
[linkDriverAgreementForm] | Displays a link to the uploaded Driver Agreement form via the bulk loader |
[CanDriveManual] | If the driver is permitted to drive manual vehicles then "YES" is displayed, otherwise it displays "NO" |
[Probationary] | If the driver has a probationary licence then "YES" is displayed, otherwise it displays "NO" |
[LineManagerCatchAll] | Displays the line manager catch all email address |
[ExpiringDate] | Driver's licence expiry date |
Vehicle | |
Placeholder | Description |
[PoolName] | Current Pool of the vehicle (at the time of the email been generated) |
[Rego] | Rego of the vehicle |
[KeyNo] | Key number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ParkingLocation] | Parking location of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleName] | Vehicle name of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[AssetNo] | Asset number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[Instructions] | Instructions to user of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[Colour] | Vehicle colour of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleDescription] | Readable description of vehicle - "Make Model Bodytype (Colour)" Colour is not shown if not provided |
[LastServiceDate] | Date of the last service as per the Vehicle Register |
[NextServiceDate] | Date of the next service required as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleCostCentre] | Cost centre code of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[VehicleProjectCode] | Project code of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[BodyType] | Body type / Vehicle type of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ChassisNo] | VIN/Chassis Number of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingRegimeKMs] | Servicing regime KMs of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingRegimeMonths] | Servicing regime months of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
[ServicingStatus] | Current servicing status of the vehicle as per the Servicing Register |
[FuelType] | Fuel type of the vehicle as per the Vehicle Register |
Infringements | |
Placeholder | Description |
[OffenceDateTime] | Date of the offence / infringement |
[Rego] | Rego of the offending vehicle |
[IssuingAuthority] | Authority whom sent the infringement notice |
[OffenceType] | Type of the infringement |
[Location] | Location of the offence |
[SpeedZoneKMH] | Zone speed where the offence took place |
[AllegedSpeedKMH] | Alleged speed of the offending vehicle at the time of the offence |
[ExceededLimitBy] | How far the offending vehicle exceeded the speed limit |
[now+dX] | Date a response back to the System Administrators is required. This date is created based on the number provided after d in the placeholder. X can be replaced with any number |
Licence Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[LicenceApprovalLink] | Link to approve the driver licence for the driver's line manager to action |
Passenger Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[PassengerName] | Name of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
[PassengerPhone] | Phone number of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
[PassengerEmail] | Email of the passenger requesting a seat on the booking |
Booking Receipts | |
Placeholder | Description |
[keylessentry][/keylessentry] | All text / placeholders within this placeholder block is only shown if the vehicle has keyless entry installed |
Booking Approval | |
Placeholder | Description |
[ApproveDeclineLinks] | Approve and decline links for bookings sent within the Approval Required email. |
Welcome Email Templates | |
Placeholder | Description |
[firstname] | First name of the user |
[username] | Username of the user to sign into Smartrak's PoolCar |
[password] | Temporary password created that is used for first time entry. The user will be asked to change their password when they first log in |
[url] | URL to access Smartrak's PoolCar |
Servicing Reminder Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[NonDeptUse][/NonDeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [NonDeptUse] and [/NonDeptUse] is shown when a vehicle has the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[DeptUse][/DeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [DeptUse] and [/DeptUse] is shown when a vehicle does not have the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[Reason] | Reason for the Service (ODO / Time) |
[ServicingStatus] | Current status of the vehicle's servicing (Soon, Overdue) |
Serviceability Check Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[NonDeptUse][/NonDeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [NonDeptUse] and [/NonDeptUse] is shown when a vehicle has the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[DeptUse][/DeptUse] | Campus Administration only. The text within [DeptUse] and [/DeptUse] is shown when a vehicle does not have the usage scope / exclusivity of 'RLV' or 'NON DEPT USE'. |
[Reason] | Reason for the Serviceability Check |
[Status] | Current status of the serviceability check (Soon, Overdue) |
Usage Statement Email | |
Placeholder | Description |
[DriverFullName] | Driver's first name and last name |
[DriverCostCentre] | Driver's cost centre code |
[BookingsTable] | Table of all bookings in the past 7 days |
Failed Booking Request | |
[ReservationStart] | Requested start time for a prospective booking |
[ReservationEnd] | Requested end time for a prospective booking |
[RequestMadeByUsername] | Username of a Poolcar logged-in user performed the search |
[RequestMadeWhen] | Timestamp of a search request |
[Campus] | Campus specified in request, if any |
[Department] | Department specified in request, if any |
[Location] | Location specified in request, if any |
[BodyType] | Body type specified in request, if any |
[FuelType] | Fuel type specified in request, if any |
[Transmission] | Transmission specified in request, if any |
[KeywordTag] | Keywords type specified in request, if any |
[EtagOn] | If configured, YES/NO reflecting whether “Etag On” is checked in request |
[PoolName] | The name of a particular pool, when chosen |
If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk
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