Smartrak’s Map provides visual indicators of where tracked assets are located, and how they are being used.
It identifies and monitors key regions or spaces via geofences, and the events bar provides an up-to-date feed of all activities and highlights alerts and duress events.
The Smartrak Map helps Customers effectively manage all their workers, vehicles & assets and enables users to have full visibility of their resources via their workstation or mobile device.
It provides customers with the ability to view the current status/location of the entire fleet, a group, a cost centre or section of the fleet, and even a single vehicle’s history at a particular date and time.
To access the Smartrak
App site go to:
New Zealand - https://app.smartrak.co.nz or
Australia - https://app.smartrak.com.au
Map Tours & Overview | Map Features & Customising your Map | Additional Functions & Historical Information |
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Dealing with Alerts | Smartrak Reporting | Service Desk |
Self Help | Service Desk | Service Desk Help | Knowledge Base | Trouble shooting | Smartrak Portfolios