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Overview of Map Site Home Screen

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Identify features that are available on the home screen so you can navigate around the map screen and view vehicle and location information.
Smartrak Map Site Home Screen and User Features

When you first enter the Home Screen, the map displays the area in which ALL your assigned vehicles are located.

Navigating around Smartrak map is similar to other mapping applications, such as Google Maps.

  1. You can use your mouse’s roller to zoom in or out.
  2. Click down and hold on the left hand side of the mouse to grab the screen and pull it the direction you wish to go.
  3. There is also a helpful menu on the right click of your mouse. For more detail see the Right Click menu.

At the top of the page is a light green bar. On that bar are Feature buttons that you click on, to take you to the different functions of Smartrak.

These could be different for each user depending on what you have been given permission to view by your administrator.

Next to the function icons, is the Universal Search box. This allows for smart searches of addresses, vehicles, drivers, map tags or geofences within Smartrak.

MAPS. This icon will always reload the Home Screen. You can always click on this to take you back to view all your vehicles like you have just logged into the Smartrak system.
MESSAGING. You will only have this if you have messaging to Garmin units installed in your vehicles.
REPORTS. You will use this if you want to view a report, set up a saved report or view a report as a downloaded spreadsheet.
DASHBOARD. The Smartrak Dashboard provides organisations with a business intelligence tool to help them understand trends and identify anomalies in their telematics and booking data
FLEET SERVICING. This is for users who are managing fleet servicing, such as RUCs/COFs, registrations and servicing details.
POOL BOOKING. For pool car management. Use this to book or manage your pool cars.
HELP. Send us an email or view our help links.

The current locations of your vehicles are shown on the map. The position of a vehicle is indicated by an EVENT ICON and the RESOURCE NAME .

A list of all your assigned vehicles is displayed down the right hand side. Vehicles are listed alphabetically by Resource Name and then by date of the last recorded event for that vehicle.

See the Overview of viewing Vehicle Information & History for more detail.

On the left hand side are some icons to help you navigate and use Smartrak map and features.

Zooms the map in and out- same as using your roller on your mouse.
Repositions the map back to view all your vehicles, if you have zoomed in on a particular area.

The next two icons are for GEOFENCES and MAP TAGS. Please see the sections on those for detail.

The menu icon again has geofences and map tags, runs, tours and options. Runs allows you to view selected vehicles’ paths on a particular day.

Tours are quick ‘How To’ activities, which allow you to practice how to use certain features. Options will allow changing some map information.

Use to toggle off/on layers: Charging Stations, Map Tags, Geofences and Events.
This changes the map view to an aerial photograph;  click again to change back to Base view.
  • If you are still unable to find an answer to your question, please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk

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