List of PoolCar Web Services / APIs

List of PoolCar Web Services / APIs

Web Service



  • AddPlace

    Adds a place to the list of Places.

  • DeletePlace

    Updates an existing place.

  • GetPlaces

    For a given starting character, returns a list of origins and destinations

  • UpdatePlace

    Updates an existing place.


  • AddorUpdate

    Inserts or updates a list of passenger names for type-ahead fields.

  • GetPassengersForTypeahead

    Returns a list of passenger names in a key-value dictionary matching a keyword. Used for type-ahead fields.

  • RemoveFromBooking

    Removes a passenger from a booking.

Road User Charges

  • LicenceHistory

    Records the purchase of a new RUC distance licence.

  • PurchasedNewLicence

    Records the purchase of a new RUC distance licence.

Cost Centres

  • CostCentreFilterRef

    Returns a list of cost centres in a key-value dictionary matching a keyword. Uses the Reference data table.

  • CostCentreStartsWith

    Returns a list of distinct cost centre codes. Uses the Reference data table.

  • CreateCostCentre
    Creates a new CostCentre.

  • DeleteCostCentre
    Deletes an existing CostCentre.

  • GetCostCentre
    Gets a CostCentre by id.

  • GetCostCentreList

    Returns a list of cost centres for dropdown lists typeaheads

  • GetCostCentres
    Gets all CostCentres.

  • ProjectCodeFilterRef

    Returns a list of project codes for a given cost centre in a key-value dictionary matching a keyword. Uses the Reference data table.

  • UpdateCostCentre
    Updates an existing CostCentre.


  • AutoReallocateBookings
    Automatically reallocate all bookings for a vehicle

  • BookingCommenced
    Denotes a booking has commenced and the driver has picked up the keys

  • BookingCommencedUnlockDoors
    Denotes a booking has commenced by the driver and unlocks the vehicle

  • BookingCommencedUnlockDoorsWithUsername
    Denotes a booking has commenced by the specified driver and unlocks the vehicle

  • BookingCompleted
    Denotes a booking has been completed and the driver has returned the keys

  • BookingCompletedLockDoors
    Denotes a booking has been completed and locks the door of the vehicle

  • CancelBooking
    Cancels a booking

  • CancelSeat
    Requests a passenger seat for a booking

  • CreateBooking
    This method creates a booking supplying a booking object.

  • CreateBookingFromMobile
    This method creates a booking for a driver. Used for creating booking from Mobile app.

  • CreateBookingSimplified
    This method creates a booking for a driver, passing a simplified set of booking fields.

  • GetAllBookings
    Gets a list of booking objects for the bookings between two dates

  • GetAllBookingsByRego
    Gets a list of booking objects for the bookings between two dates for a Rego

  • GetAllBookingsWithOverdueFlag
    Gets a list of booking objects for the bookings between two dates and include an flag to show/hide overdue bookings

  • GetBooking
    Get all properties relating to a single booking

  • GetBookingDescriptionForCalendar
    Get Booking Description for Calendar

  • GetBookingDrivers
    Returns a list of unique driver details (based on email) constructed from bookings, and optionally filtered for bookings checked out after a given date (Company timezone without timezone information)

  • GetBookingsForPool
    Gets a list of booking objects against a Pool between two dates

  • GetBookingsForPoolWithOverdueFlag
    Gets a list of booking objects against a Pool between two dates and include an flag to show/hide overdue bookings

  • GetBookingsForUser
    Gets a list of booking objects for a User between two dates

  • GetCancelledByForTypeahead
    Returns a list of names in a key-value dictionary matching a keyword. Used for type-ahead fields.

  • GetCustomFields
    Get all custom fields defined

  • GetDeviceInfoForBooking
    Get Device information for a booking

  • LockVehicleForBooking
    Locks the vehicle of a given booking, use only for external locks from outside of PoolCar

  • ProvisionalBookingApproved
    Approves a provisional booking

  • ProvisionalBookingDeclined
    Declines a provisional booking

  • ReinstateBooking
    Reinstates a Cancelled booking

  • RequestSeat
    Requests a passenger seat for a booking

  • UnlockVehicleForBooking
    Unlocks the vehicle of a given booking, use only for external unlocks from outside of PoolCar

  • UpdateBooking
    This method updates a booking supplying a booking object.

  • UpdateBookingPartial
    This method updates a booking supplying a partial booking object


  • AddAsset
    Add a new asset to the bookable asset register.

  • AddVehicle
    Add a new vehicle suppling a vehicle object. Only singular instance supported.

  • ApplyOdometerReading
    Apply odomoter reading to a vehicle. Only singular instance supported.

  • AvailabilitySearchForUser
    Returns list of available vehicles (not currently booked) a user can book

  • ChangeDisplaySequence
    Change the display sequence or discouragement factor for a vehicle by rego. Only singular instance supported.

  • ChangeRego
    Change a rego for a vehicle. Only singular instance supported.

  • Delete
    Delete a vehicle from the vehicle register by setting the IsDeleted flag to true.

  • DeleteOdometerReading
    Delete an odomoter reading.

  • GetActivePools
    Returns list of active Pools

  • GetAll
    Returns list of vehicles; parameter to include or exclude deleted (non active).

  • GetAmountOfODOReadingsForUI
    For a given rego, returns the list with the specified amount of odo readings recorded for UI

  • GetAvailableVehicles
    Returns list of available vehicles (not currently booked)

  • GetBodyTypes
    Returns list of body/chassis types

  • GetBookingOverview
    For a given rego, at a given time of day, returns the booking overview description.

  • GetCampuses
    Returns list of Campuses

  • GetDepartments
    Returns list of Departments

  • GetKeywordTags
    Returns list of keyword tags

  • GetLocations
    Returns list of Locations

  • GetODOReadings
    For a given rego, returns the list of odo readings recorded

  • GetODOReadingsForUI
    For a given rego, returns the list of the past 10,000 odo readings recorded for UI

  • GetVehicle
    For a given rego, returns a vehicle object

  • GetVehicleByChassisNo
    For a given rego, returns a vehicle object

  • GetVehicleByFleetID
    For a Fleet ID, returns a vehicle object

  • ListCO2EmissionsByVehicle
    Not yet active

  • ListRegos
    This method returns a list of vehicle non-deleted regos and a descriptor of each. Used primarily for rego field ajax type-ahead.

  • RegistrationRenewed
    Records the renewal of registration, particularly the date, so as to generate the correct renewal reminders.

  • UnDelete
    UnDeletes a vehicle from the vehicle register by setting the IsDeleted flag to false.

  • UpdateField
    Exposes an update database call for a specific field name. Used for field-level updates. Cannot be used for Rego field.

  • UpdateVehicle
    Update vehicle details supplying a vehicle object. Only singular instance supported. Use GetVehicle first to populate your fields.

  • VehicleServiced
    Not yet active


  • CreateUserAccount

    Creates a user account using a user object.

  • GenerateNewPassword

    Generates a new password for a user account. Same as reset password.

  • LockUserAccount

    Lock a user account to prevent them from signing in.

  • UpdateUserAccount

    Update a user account suppling new details as a user object.


  • KeysCheckedInOut
    Not yet active


  • Add

    Adds a driver record to PoolCar. Returns the inserted driver id if successful.

  • DeleteByDriverID

    Deletes a driver from the Driver Register by supplying a PoolCar Driver ID.

  • DeleteByUsername

    Deletes a driver from the Driver Register by supplying a Driver Username.

  • DeleteShift

    Deletes a rostered driver shift.

  • GetDriverByDriverID

    Returns driver details as a Driver object by supplying an poolcar Driver ID.

  • GetDriverByEmail

    Returns driver details as a Driver object by supplying an email address. Returns the first record only.

  • GetDriverByUsername

    Returns driver details as a Driver object by supplying a driver username.

  • GetDriversForTypeahead

    Returns a list of driver names in a key-value dictionary matching a keyword. Used for type-ahead fields.

  • GetRosteredDrivers

    Gets a list of rostered drivers for a booking start and booking end date/time. Licence type can also be supplied, wildcard '*' for any licence type.

  • LicenceCancelledForDriverID

    Sets the licence status as Cancelled by supplying a PoolCar Driver ID.

  • LicenceCancelledForUsername

    Sets the licence status as Cancelled by supplying a Driver Username.

  • LicenceReinstatedForDriverID

    Sets the licence status as either 'OK' or 'Not Verified' (depending if licence verification enabled) by supplying a PoolCar Driver ID.

  • LicenceReinstatedForUsername

    Sets the licence status as either 'OK' or 'Verification Required' (depending if licence verification enabled) by supplying a Driver Username.

  • LicenceSuspendedForDriverID

    Sets the licence status as Suspended by supplying a PoolCar Driver ID.

  • LicenceSuspendedForUsername

    Sets the licence status as Suspended by supplying a Driver Username.

  • LicenceVerifiedForDriverID

    Sets a driver licence as being Verified by supplying a poolcar Driver ID

  • LicenceVerifiedForDriverUsername

    Sets a driver licence as being Verified by supplying a Driver Username.

  • SetShift

    Inserts or updates a rostered driver shift.

  • UpdateLicenceDetails

    Updates a driver record supplying Driver object. Returns OK if successful.

  • UpdatePersonalDetails

    Updates a driver record supplying Driver object. Returns OK if successful.

  • UpdateUserProfileForDrivers

    Update the user profile using details from Driver Register. First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Cost Center and Project Code will be updated

Pools (Pool Management)

  • Add

    Creates a new pool.

  • GetPoolName

    Gets the name of a pool by specifying a PoolID

  • GetPoolsForUser

    Gets the list of pools for a user

  • Update

    Updates an existing pool.

Pool Assets (Pool Management)

  • AddByFleetID
    Associates a bookable asset to a Pool.

  • AddByRego
    Associates a bookable asset to a Pool.

  • RemoveByPoolAssetID
    Removes a bookable asset from a Pool (i.e. set DateEffectiveTo to current date/time.)

  • UpdateByPoolAssetID
    Updates an association of a bookable asset to a Pool.

Pool Admins (Pool Management)

  • Add

    Assigns a user to a pool administration role.