NZ 110km/h Speed Limit Upgrade

NZ 110km/h Speed Limit Upgrade

Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road
Waikato Expressway
Tauranga Eastern Link Toll RoadWaikato Expressway

As you may be aware, the Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (SH2) and the Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway (SH1) have had their speed limits increased to 110km/h.


In response to the speed increase along these roads, Smartrak has rolled out an update as of Monday 11th December, 2017 (the same day that the speed limits came into effect). This update increases the default over speed threshold on the Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (SH2) and Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway (SH1) by 10km/h.

Any over speed event on the SH1 and SH2 up to 110km/h (or more if your default threshold is greater than 110km/h) will not be shown on the map or included in any reports.

For you as a Smartrak end user, no changes need to be made. This update has already been implemented and operating since 11/12/2017.

Should you have any questions about this update, please contact your Customer Success Manager or contact us on the Support Portal.

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