Smartrak Pool Booking Approvals

Smartrak Pool Booking Approvals

There are two types of Approvals available through Pool Booking - Booking Administrator Approval or Custodian Approval.

Enable Approvals


Firstly, approvals need to be enabled for your organisation.

To do this, SUDO into your own Smartrak App account via the Smartrak Admin site (this opens up the hidden settings in Pool Booking Admin)

Once Enable Approvals has been ticked, you can then go and set approvals on a vehicle by vehicle basis in Admin>Manage Plant


Booking Administrator Approval


If the vehicle being booked requires approval, then the booking is created with a status of 'Unapproved' and an approval request email is sent to the either the vehicle custodian if one is assigned to the vehicle, or, if not, the booking administrators.

All Booking Administrators will get an approval request email. 

Custodian Approval


If a vehicle has a Custodian assigned under Pool Booking Admin > Manage Plant, the Custodian will receive the approval email instead of the Booking Administrators.


Important Note:


If an approved booking is edited, it will revert to the Unapproved state and will require approving again


Pool Booking Approvals Self Help Topics

Pool Booking Approvals Self Help Topics

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