EVRoam Map layer

EVRoam Map layer

EVRoam is a live database of New Zealand’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

It collects real-time information from all safe and monitored public charge points around New Zealand. 

It pulls information in from energy suppliers and charging operators, and then pushes data out to our Charging Stations layer on our map.

Here is a link to the EVRoam page on Waka Kotahi NZTA’s website - https://nzta.govt.nz/planning-and-investment/planning/transport-planning/planning-for-electric-vehicles/evroam

The layer provides the following information in regards to EV Charging stations;

  • Who runs the station e.g. Vector, Meridian

  • Charger type

  • Maximum power draw

  • If it is a paid or free charging station

  • How many charging ports are currently free to use


If you don’t have the layer turned on, you will need to turn it on.

You can do this by hovering the mouse over the layer icon.


You can then tick the Charging Stations layer to show that layer.

Here is a charging station.  The number above it shows how many charging ports are currently free.  This can be 5-10 minutes old, and does not include any ports that are in an unknown state.

Mousing over the charging station will tell you who runs the station.

Clicking on the charging station will tell you the details of the charging station, including the charger type and maximum power draw, and if it is paid or free (we make no guarantee about the state of the chargers; we only pass on the information we are given).

Charging stations also show up in the search section of the app site.