In/Out Board

In/Out Board

What is the In/Out Board?

The In/Out board provides an overview of which vehicles are in (presumed to be on site) and which vehicles are out (presumed to be offsite).

Where the Check In/Out page will display the booking status, the In/Out board displays the vehicle status.

There is an setting in PoolCar where you can allow an admin to update the vehicle status using the In/Out Board. Please see the important note about this setting below.


How does it work?

Where a booking has been created and checked out, the system makes the assumption that the driver has collected the keys and left site for their trip. If you are using a KeyMaster cabinet, the booking checks out automatically once the keys are removed. The In/Out board updates the vehicle status to out once this function has been performed.



Who can see the In/Out Board?

System Administrators will see the status of all vehicles.

Pool Managers will only see the status of assets within the Pool(s) they are assigned to.

Pool Officers will only see the status of assets within the Pool(s) they are assigned to.


Updating the vehicle status via the In/Out Board

The System Administrator can enable users to change the status of a vehicle via the In/Out board using the setting named Allow admin to update vehicle status using In/Out board which can be found in Application Settings > Check In/Out page:



Important note about the In/Out Board:

We recommend the setting be disabled as it can cause a de-sync between the vehicle status and the booking status.

For example, a booking is due to start at 1pm, by 1.15pm the booking holder has not collected the keys and the booking has not been checked out, but the Pool Manager thinks the vehicle has left site and marks it as out via the In/Out board, this is going to confuse the system. As such, the driver will not be able to check the booking out because the system thinks the vehicle is already out.

If needed, you can enable this setting momentarily to resync the system but we would suggest it be disabled again to avoid this situation.




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