PoolCar - Pools - all you need to know

PoolCar - Pools - all you need to know

Pools are the glue that holds the Pool Management version of PoolCar together.

Vehicles are assigned to Pools and users are also assigned to Pools (either automatically or explicitly via Access Groups)

To Create a Pool

Navigate to the Sysadmin Menu > Pool Management > Pools

From here, you will see a list of existing Pools


To create a new Pool, click on the Create New Pool on the top right of the page

Complete the fields:

  • Pool name (required)

  • Description (optional)

  • Date effective from/to (optional) - note to use yesterday's start date if you wish the pool to be available immediately

  • Define “Business Hours” for this pool (not required/supported. The system business hours setting located under Application Settings > Localisation > Working Day start and end times)

Business Hours = Working Day start and end times
  • Key Pickup/return instructions (recommended)

  • Cost Centre code (optional)

  • Sort Available Assets by: (recommended)

    • Manual ('Display Sequence' field in Asset Register 1 = use first)

    • Environmental friendliness ('green' rating)

    • Lowest utilisation (as calculated nightly)

    • Lowest lease/replacement score (as calculated nightly) - Lease Snapshot Report

    • Lowest Mileage (as calculated nightly)

  • Which group(s) can make bookings (recommended)

    • Select either General Pool or assign an access group

  • Auto reallocate bookings (recommended)

    • Disable (turn off) or Enable (turn on)

  • Ignore body type (recommended)

    • Disable (don’t ignore body type) or Enable (ignore body type)

Manage Pools


To Assign Pool Managers

Assigning Pool Administrators Using the Pool Management Suite


To Edit a Pool

Locate the Pool to edit on the list

Click on Edit on the right hand side

Edit the details and save


To Delete a Pool

Unassign all assets from the Pool - Assigning Assets to Pools

Check the Bookable Asset Count is '0'

Click on DELETE on the right hand side


To Sort Assets in a Pool

Go to Pools

Find the Pool and Click Edit on the right-most part of the page


Choose the sorting you want. Then click save.


If you want to Manually sort the assets, you need to specify the Display Sequence of each asset in the Pool under Asset Register > Bookings tab



  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 

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