List of Email & Page Templates


What is it for?


Usage Statement email (Template)

This is the wording that gets emailed to each driver, listing a summary of their usage (bookings).

If sending usage summary via Robot

Sign In Page wording (Template)

This is the wording that gets displayed on the Sign In page.

If not SSO

Licence Not Verified Template

This is the wording that gets displayed to a user when Driver Licence Verification is enabled and the user has not yet gone through the verification process.

If using driver licence verification

Welcome Page Wording (Template)

This is the wording that the user sees on the 'Welcome' page, just after they sign in for the very first time.


Email Template - Booking

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when they elect to receive a booking confirmation email.


Email Template - Approved Booking

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when an admin has approved their booking.

If using Approval Trigger

Email Template - Infringement (Notice)

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when you create a new infringement notice.

If tracking Infringements

Email Template - New User Account (Welcome Email Template)

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when you create a new user account and tick the box for 'send welcome email'.

If not SSO

Email Template - Approval Trigger (Approval Trigger Email Template)

This is the wording that gets emailed to Approvers when a booking satisifies and Approval Trigger.

If using Approval Trigger

Email Template - Passenger Approved

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when they're seat request (via Share a Ride) is approved.

If using Share a Ride

Email Template - Servicing Reminder

This is the wording that gets emailed to vehicle contacts when a vehicle requires servicing soon or is overdue.

If using Servicing

Email Template - Serviceability Check Reminder

This is the wording that gets emailed to vehicle contacts when a serviceability check needs to be done.

If using Serviceability

Email & Page Templates

See others below


Email Templates - Booking Request Pool Manager (Booking Request For Pool Manager Email Template)

This is the wording that gets emailed to Pool Manager(s) when a user failed to make booking (no vehicle available).


Email Templates - Booking Request Driver (Booking Request For Driver Email Template)

This is the wording that gets emailed to Driver when a user failed to make booking (no vehicle available).





Acknowledgement of Driver Request

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when they have requested a driver.


Approval Trigger Email

This is the wording that gets emailed to Approvers when a booking satisifies an Approval Trigger.

If using Approval Trigger

Booking Receipt

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when they elect to receive a booking confirmation email.


Booking Approved

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when their booking is approved.

If using Approval Trigger

Infringement Notice

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when you create a new infringement notice.

If tracking Infringements

Licence Expired

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence has expired.

If tracking driver licence expiry

Licence Expiring Soon

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence is expiring soon.

If tracking driver licence expiry

Licence Not Verified

This is the wording that gets displayed to a user when Driver Licence Verification is enabled and the user has not yet gone through the verification process. This is shown as a page on PoolCar - to change the email wording edit the 'Licence Marked as Not Verified' template.

If using driver licence verification

Licence Verified

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence has been verified.

If using driver licence verification

Licence Verification (Grace Period)

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence has not yet been verified but is in the grace period.

If using driver licence verification

Licence Verification Required

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence needs to be verified.

If using driver licence verification

Licence Marked as Not Verified

This is the wording that gets emailed to user when their licence has been marked as Not Verified. Bookings cannot be made until your licence has been verified.

If using driver licence verification

Licence Approval Required

This is the wording that gets emailed to the Line Manager when one of their staff's licences needs to be verified.

If using driver licence verification

Passenger Approved

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when their seat request (via Share a Ride) is approved.

If using Share a Ride

Servicing Reminder

This is the wording that gets emailed to vehicle contacts when a vehicle requires servicing soon or is overdue.

If using Servicing

Servicability Check Reminder

This is the wording that gets emailed to vehicle contacts when a serviceability check needs to be done.

If using Serviceability

Sign In

This is the wording that gets displayed on the Sign In page.

If not SSO

Usage Statement

This is the wording that gets emailed to each driver, listing a summary of their usage (bookings).

If sending usage summary via Robot

Welcome Email

This is the wording that gets emailed to users when you create a new user account and tick the box for 'send welcome email'.

If not SSO

Welcome Page

This is the wording that the user sees on the 'Welcome' page, just after they sign in for the very first time.


Failed Booking Request Pool Manager

This is the wording that gets emailed to Pool Manager(s) when a user failed to make booking (no vehicle available).


Failed Booking Request Driver Notification

This is the wording that gets emailed to Driver when a user failed to make booking (no vehicle available).


Please note there are no templates for cancelled bookings, overdue bookings or damage/incident report emails.

Cancelled booking notification uses a generic message stating the booking has been cancelled and the reason, as well as the information from the original booking receipt email.

Overdue booking notification (not yet back) uses a generic message stating the booking has been checked out but not yet checked in, as well as the information from the original booking receipt email.

Damage/Incident report notification uses a generic message stating a damage/incident report has been submitted and the details supplied by the driver.