Internal Charging Report

Internal Charging Report



For organisations who need to charge vehicle usage out to cost centres and/or project code, the Internal Charging Report can provide an extract of charges to be supplied to your Finance Team.

The report extracts all booking data including driver, cost centre, booking type and charge based on the charge out rates set in the system by your System Administrator.

The report uses the charge out rates set by the System Administrator to determine the booking charge. See our Self Help Guide here for more information on charge out rates.

This report is also the only report within PoolCar to enable reporting on Custom Booking Fields

How To Run The Report

How To Run The Report

The Internal Charging Report is only accessible to users with System Administrator access. This can be found under the Reports heading on your main menu.


Set the date range. The date range is based on the checked-in/out times of the bookings if they fall within the date range selected. If checked in/out times of the bookings don't exist the report will use Booking Start/End times.

Use the filter to report on a specific cost centre or leave the default as ‘Driver Cost Centre’ to report on all.

You can use the ‘export to excel’ like in the top right corner to export the report into an excel spreadsheet.

Reading The Report

Reading The Report

The data is taken from both the Driver Register and the information entered the new booking window at the time of the booking.


Booking ID: Unique booking reference number.

Licence Plate/Registration Number: Vehicle used for the booking.

Booking Made By Username: The user who created the reservation. Note this is not necessarily the driver if the booking was made on behalf of someone else.

Booking Made By Cost Centre: The cost centre to be charged against the booking.

Booking Made By Project Code: This is an optional sub-code of the cost centre which can be enabled on the New Booking Window via the application Settings Page. Often used is there are multiple child codes that sit under the cost centre.

Contact Name: Driver name

Contact Email: Driver Email

Driver Employee ID: This field may be blank depending on if, as an organisation, you have opted to capture this from the user.

Description of Usage: The information entered at the time the reservation was created. Please note if you have hidden this field in Application Settings this will appear blank.

Booking Type: By default, General Users can only make ‘Staff Use’ bookings. Any users with an elevated access level (Pool Officers/Pool Managers/ System Administrators) can create other booking types such as maintenance bookings.

Vehicle Cost Centre: The cost centre code held against that vehicle. This can be edited/removed via the Vehicle Register.

Reservation Start: The date and time the booking was due to start

Reservation End: The date and time the booking was due to end

Checked Out When: The date and time the booking was actually checked out.

Checked In When: The date and time the booking was actually checked in.

Billable Start: The system will take either the ReservationStart or CheckedOutWhen, whichever is earlier.

Billable End: This depends on the value of the following app setting.

If the app setting is set to Latest between check in/booking end (Default); The system will take either the ReservationEnd or CheckedInWhen, whichever is later.

When Check in time when available is selected, If the booking is checked in; the actual checked in time will be used. Early returns of vehicles will not be billed till the ReservationEnd in this case.

Vehicle: Vehicle details taken from the Vehicle Register

Pool Name: The Pool the vehicle is assigned to. Vehicles can be moved between pools via the Asset Register. See our Self Help Guide here for more information on this.

Odo Start and odo end: If we have integrated with your telematics provider to pull through odometer values daily, the system uses the kilometers travelled during the key on to key off period and stores this value against any corresponding bookings made in the PoolCar system. Please note that the booking needs to be checked out and in for the odo reading to be captured.

Total Kilometers: Total kilometers travelled during the booking based on either the telematics reading or the manual entry by the driver at the time of check in if enabled.

Total hours: Total duration of the booking based on ‘Checked out When’ to ‘Billable End’ period.

Business Hours: The system will determine the duration of the booking that was within business hours based on the business hours you have set in Application Settings

Charge: The charge is based on what you have configured in the charge out rates. For example, if you have set up all bookings to be charged at $30.00 an hour, and a booking is for two hours, the charge will be $60.00.

Private Use Percentage: If you have added a check in prompt for drivers to enter the split between private and business use, the system will attribute the usage based on the percentage split entered by the driver.

Private Use Kilometers and Business Use Kilometers: If you have added a check in prompt for drivers to enter the split between private and business use, the system will split the kilometers travelled. If you have not added a prompt for this then all milometers travelled will appear in the Business Use Kilometers column.

Custom Booking Fields: If you have configured any custom booking fields to be used in your booking form, you can report on the responses here

Important Things To Note

Important Things To Note

  • If you change the charge out rates at any time this change is attributed to all bookings, including historical. The Internal Charging report generates the charge dynamically when the report is loaded, based off the current charge out rules. This means that if an organisation changes their charge out rules, and re-run a report for say 6 months ago, all the charges would be different to what they actually were 6 months ago. Please be mindful of this when changing your charge out rates. It may be worth exporting this report at the existing rates and saving a copy locally so you can refer back to it.

  • You can change the wording of ‘Cost Centre’ and ‘Project Code’ if you have other internal terminology. This is done via the Localisation tab found in Application Settings.

  • Project codes are not mandatory. This field can be enabled via the Booking Form tab in Application Settings

  • If you hide a vehicle from the booking system via the Vehicle Register or Asset Register, it will no longer appear in the Internal Charging Report.

  • The report will base the charge on the amount of time the vehicle would have been unavailable for during a booking. This means if a vehicle is returned early, it will still be charged until the end of the actual booking time, not the early return time.


If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 


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