Fuel Consumption Report

Fuel Consumption Report



This report is designed to help organisations track and manage fuel expenses. Fuel-efficient driving has important environmental benefits and the ability to report on fuel consumption can help organisations better manage driver behaviour.

The report shows fuel records for each individual vehicle including how much fuel was put in and how much the transaction cost providing valuable data to compare fuel efficiency across the fleet.



 This report relies on the data imported from your fuel card files. To find out more about how to import fuel card files from your provider please see our Self help guide here.

How to run the report

How to run the report

The Fuel Consumption Report is only accessible to users with System Administrator access. This can be found under the Reports heading on your main menu.

You can filter the report on Pool, usage type and fuel type if required. Select the data range you wish to report on and click refresh to run the report.

Use the Export to Excel link in the top right corner to download the report.

How to read the report

How to read the report

The fuel consumption report shows each individual fuel transaction which has been imported with your fuel card file. It details individual fuel records including how much fuel was put into the vehicle, what was the price per litre and therefore what was the total cost of the transaction.

If you scroll to the bottom of the report you can see the total amount of litres used and the total expense over the reporting period.


By using the filters you can break the report down based on fuel types. This is a great way to track unleaded versus diesel expenses.


Things to note

Things to note

  • Because this data is imported from your fuel card file. If something doesn’t look right you will need to review the fuel transaction in your fuel card file.


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