Protector Pro (TWIG)

Protector Pro (TWIG)

TWIG Protector Pro is a 3G/GSM/GPS professional safety device, designed to protect lone workers in demanding environments.

High-power speaker and high-power vibrating alarm facilitate use in noisy sites. Ergonomics include optional separate alarm button, elastic grip and full graphical display.

3G cellular with 5-band global coverage plus 4-band 2G coverage ensure compatibility with most networks.

The small and light (94 g) device is rugged and IP67 dust and water proof, providing confidence for the user and unparalleled life cycle economies for the administrator.

Alert triggers include alarm button, automatic ManDown function, AmberAlert and optional TWIG Button wireless alarm. Predefined emergency protocol operates according to BS8484 and DIN0825, transmitting last known user position and opening two-way voice connection to alarms receiving centre.

Excellent operating times even in continuous GPS monitoring are achieved through advanced technology and large-capacity battery.

High-performance GPS receiver with free, ready-to-use TWIG AGPS feed can be complemented with TWIG Beacons for indoor location.

TWIG short range RF devices (SRD) include TWIG Beacon for indoor location, TWIG Button wireless panic button and TWIG Tag RFID for attendance monitoring.

See here for links to user video, Quick Start Guide, Full User Guide & Product Sheet - https://smartrak.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SCP/pages/562726302


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