Pool Booking Manual - Booking Only User

Pool Booking Manual - Booking Only User

The Booking Chart

The Booking Chart

The booking chart is used in 2 situations:

  1. If you have your system set up to allow users to choose their own vehicle then this is the screen on which users will make their bookings.

  2. If your system is setup to automatically allocate bookings then the booking chart can be used to view bookings



Making a Booking - User Vehicle Choice

Making a Booking - User Vehicle Choice

  • If your system is set up to allow users to choose which vehicle they want to book then you can make a booking by dragging on the booking chart from the start time of your booking to the end time on the row that corresponds to the vehicle you want.

  • Once you release the mouse, the following window will open




Making a Booking - System Vehicle Choice (auto-allocation)

Making a Booking - System Vehicle Choice (auto-allocation)

  • If your system is set up to allow the system to choose which vehicle to book then when you select “Make a booking” from the menu

  • you will be taken to the following screen:

  • After you click “Search” in the previous screen, you will see either this:

Click "Confirm booking" to create your booking, you will receive an Outlook event by email which will show the booking in your Outlook calendar.

  • Or, if no available vehicle and/or plant was found, you will see the following:

  • This enables you to see when vehicles are available and if possible adjust your search criteria and click “Search” again.

  • If you are still unable to find an answer to your question, please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk

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