PoolCar Application Settings

PoolCar Application Settings


These settings will allow you customise all things bookings.

  1. Automatic Vehicle Allocation

  2. Drivers can only book for themselves

  3. If No, can the user make a booking on behalf of a non-registered driver?

  4. Can booking holders have multiple concurrent bookings for same asset type/class?

  5. Allow bookings for earlier in the day?

  6. Allow users to change the pickup date/time if an in-progress booking is not checked out?

  7. Add buffer period between bookings

  8. Bookings, max days into the future

  9. Default booking duration

10.   Maximum duration of a booking for non-admins

11.   Saturday and Sunday should be included as billable days

12.   Always send a booking receipt

13.   Attach calendar file to receipt email

14.   Booking emails come from Primary Contact?

15.   Cancellation fee hours threshold

16.   Hide the 'Report Incident/Damage' link on the navigation bar

17.   MyBookings page, hide 'Record Odos' menu link

18.   MyBookings page, hide 'Returned Early' menu link

19.   Penalties

a.       Penalty amount for late return

b.       Apply a late return penalty after how many minutes?

c.       Penalty amount for low fuel remaining

d.       Penalty amount for 'no show'


Booking Form:

The following settings will allow you to configure how information is gathered on the booking form your users will see.

  1. Phone number field

  2. Cost centre field

  3. Project Code field

  4. Cost centre / project code data should be sourced from reference table?

  5. Hide 'Purpose and Destination' field on booking form

  6. Minimum length of text entered into the Purpose/Destination field

  7. Hide recurring booking option

  8. Hide daily recurring booking option

  9. Hide Telematics Tab in Booking form



The following settings will allow you to customise how the booking calendar looks and is used.

  1. Drivers can only see bookable assets which match their driver licence type

  2. licence plate filter visible

  3. Users can drag bookings onto other vehicles

  4. Anonymise booking details for regular users?

  5. Bookings on the calendar should display values of custom fields

  6. Hide the 'Etag' option on Availability Search page

  7. Maintenance Booking uses Check Out/In calendar colours

  8. Must select a pool before can open booking form


Check in/out:

These settings will allow you customise what is required when bookings are checked in or out.

  1. Prompt for start odometer value

  2. Prompt for ending odometer value

  3. Check in odometer strictness

  4. Prompt for issues or damage

  5. Prompt for percentage split private/business use on check in

  6. Prompt for fuel remaining

  7. Check in/out retrospectively

  8. Early check out tolerance

  9. Allow admin to update vehicle status using In/Out board

10.   Custom title for entries on the Check Out/In page

11.   Disable/Hide Check In/Out on mobile site


Welcome page:

The following settings will allow you to configure what information is gathered on the initial welcome pages your users will see.

  1. Require drivers licence

  2. Licence number default text

  3. Require cost centre

  4. Cost centre supporting text

  5. Project field supporting text

  6. Require employee ID

  7. Require home campus

  8. Require home address

  9. Require date of birth

10.   Require terms and conditions

11.   Welcome page completion

12.   If using a specific email address, type that email address here

13.   Skip Welcome page

14.   Line/department manager entry

a.       Require line manager email

b.       Line manager entry source

c.       Line manager default email

15.   Access Card

a.       Require access card number

b.       Access card data source

c.       Show Access Card Facility Code


Drivers licence:

These settings will allow you customise all things Driver Licences

  1. Driver licence verification enabled

  2. Send verification required email to line/department manager

  3. Licence verification grace period

  4. Licence re-verification method

  5. Default licence state

  6. Default licence type

  7. Hide Manual Transmission checkbox when capturing Driver Licence

  8. Hide Probationary (P-Plates) checkbox when capturing Driver Licence

  9. No of days before a licence status changes from OK to Soon

10.   Sign in page asks for valid licence


Access Rights:

The following settings will allow you to manage how access groups work within the PoolCar application.

  1. Access groups

a.       Access groups enabled

b.       Access group assignment method

c.       Explicit assignment

d.       User prompt for access groups they belong to

  1. Accreditation types

a.       Accreditation types enabled

b.       Allow users to manage their own accreditations

c.       User accreditation notifications



These settings will allow you to customise how the Passenger Manifest and Share a Ride features are used.

  1. Passenger manifest

a.       Booking form should show passenger manifest table

b.       Auto accept request

c.       Cost Centre field

d.       Customer Number field

e.       Email field

f.        Odometer field

g.       Total Distance field enabled

h.       Total Time field enabled

  1. Share a Ride

a.       Approval required for seat requests (Share a Ride)

b.       Bookings on the calendar should display seat count

c.       Hide the 'Share a Ride' bar on Availability Search page

d.       Hide the 'Share a Ride' button on Search panel

e.       Hide the 'Share a Ride' option on main menu

f.        Show hidden custom booking form fields on Share a Ride page

g.       Text to be displayed in Calendar asking drivers to Share a Ride


Pool Management:

The following settings allow you to change how the Pool Management suite functions.

  1. Pool Managers can see driver register

  2. Pool Managers can see every driver in their Driver Register

  3. If yes to above, should licence no be obfuscated for Pool Managers?

  4. Hide Approval Triggers page for Pool Managers



The following settings allow you to customise further how PoolCar Robots function.

*Note that corresponding Robot (scheduled task) must be enabled under Utilities > Robots

  1. Cancel a booking if not checked out within

  2. Cancel no shows for every vehicle, or only selected vehicles

  3. Alert admins if a booking is running late by more than

  4. Send late return notifications every

  5. Who should receive the late return alerts?

  6. Late return alerts active hours

  7. Send late booking alerts to the overdue booking holder as well

  8. Automatic vehicle re-allocation

  9. Reallocation time threshold for overdue bookings

10.   Minimum reallocation period

11.   Reallocation and damage/incident alert recipients

12.   Reminder emails for upcoming bookings before X calendar days


Fleet Servicing:

The following settings will allow you to configure servicing and registration renewal functions.

  1. Servicing Reminder every X days

  2. Number of KMs/Miles before an upcoming service changes to status 'Soon'

  3. No of days before a Vehicle Registration status changes from OK to Soon



The following settings allow you to configure how emails are sent from PoolCar

  1. Stop all emails

  2. System email address

  3. All emails come from System email address

  4. Approval click emails come from

  5. Notify line manager of booking holder

  6. Send calendar invites attached to FYI emails



The settings on the page allow you to localise your PoolCar website.

  1. Working day start time

  2. Working day end time

  3. Time Zone

  4. Default language/culture

  5. Distance unit of measure

  6. Booking calendar start time

  7. Booking calendar end time

  8. Booking should be called (singular)

  9. Booking should be called (plural)

10.   'Rego' should be called

11.   'Cost Centre Code' field should be called

12.   'Project Code' field should be called

13.   Employee ID should be called

14.   Phone/Mobile/Pager number should be called

15.   Campus should be called (singular)

16.   Campus should be called (plural)

17.   FBT

a.       Australian FBT rate

b.       Australian FBT grossed up rate

c.       Australian FBT statutory percentage



The settings on this page allow you to configure how secure the built-in user authentication is. These settings do not apply to customers using Single-Sign-On.

  1. Hide 'Change Password' link on footer menu bar

  2. Lock user accounts upon create

  3. Password Strength

  4. Post sign in, redirect normal users to this page

  5. Sign in page, reset password link visible

  6. Warning text on Change Password form


Trip Planning:

The settings on this page allow you to configure settings related to Trip Planning feature..

  1. Enable Trip Planning for standard users when making a booking.



The following settings are for Legacy customers only, in particular those using the Campus Administration suite.

  1. Campus Admins can see approval triggers

  2. Department enabled

  3. Location enabled

  4. Location should be called (singular)

  5. Location should be called (plural)

  6. Department should be called (singular)

  7. Department should be called (plural)

  8. Display Vehicles in the booking calendar based on their utilisation

  9. Hide 'Exclusivity' on calendar search

10.   Hide the 'Change PIN' link on the footer bar

11.   Hide the 'Feedback' link on the navigation bar

12.   Text on booking form for asking driver if they hold a licence

13.   Help Desk should be called

14.   Alternative booking filter enabled

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