How do I change between base map, aerial view and speed zones?

How do I change between base map, aerial view and speed zones?

View aerial/satellite imagery of the area or posted road speed zones.

Quickly identify an area's physical features with an actual aerial view of the area

Quickly identify an area's physical features with an actual aerial view of the area

Smartrak provides aerial view of the area. These are the latest images for that area but they can be a few years old.

Smartrak provides a view of speed zones of all public roads. Incorrect road speed data should be raised to Smartrak via the Service Desk.

  • Log into the Smartrak Map site (NZ or AU)

  • When in the base map, hover over the Aerial view at the bottom left of the map to show the other views

The speed zones map identifies the individual speed zones for all public roads


  • When in the aerial or speed zones view, click on the Base view at the bottom left of the map to revert to the base view.

  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 

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