Smartrak Proof of Activity User Guide

Smartrak Proof of Activity User Guide


Functional Overview

The proof of activity feature allows the reporting of activity trips on a Smartrak map.

Activity trips are defined as a period of travel when a configured input on a Smartrak device is active (between its on and off event).

The activity is dependent on a configured input and could be an activity such as spraying, sweeping, mowing – or a generic input such as Motor/PTO.

The report is generated by a user selecting the activity type, areas, vehicles and a date range of interest.

The report produced consists of a map with activity trips and a corresponding table that shows a breakdown of those trips. 

The report can be printed or made into a PDF using an appropriate web browser extension. It is recommended to use the Chrome web browser.


Run Proof of Activity Report

  1. Select the Proof of Activity Report from the Reports menu.

  2. Select the Date Range you require for the report

  3. Select the Geofences for the report. One or more geofences are required

  4. Specify the Input Group. This is the type of activity trip you require the report to show.

  5. Select the Activity Filters to apply
    You can select any combination of three described below

  6. Select the resources (vehicles) you require the report to show.

  7. View the report


Viewing a report

When a report is generated, a map panel and data panel appear.

Map Panel

This is a map zoomed at the appropriate level to show all the activity trips related to the report query.

Sections (or entire trips) that fall inside the specified geofences will show as green, any other section will show in red (called an Exclusion).


Data panel

The data panel can be presented by grouping the data two different ways- Period View or Geofence View. A user can toggle between the two by clicking the appropriate tab.

Data Panel – Period View

Period view (the default view) will show the trips in chronological order. The activity listed in each heading is between the on and off events.

The data rows underneath represent the section trips that occur within the on/off events. This could be a single section trip (a complete on/off activity), or when an activity event crossed from or into one of a specified geofence.

The header will contain the resource that performed the activity and the time period between the on and off events.

This section rows show the following:

Day – the date of the trip

Geofence(s) – The geofence the activity trip occurred in. This could be “Outside geofence” if the trip was not within a specified geofence (this includes geofences that are valid but not in the report query).

Section Start – the time at which the vehicle started the section of the trip. This could be when the vehicle began the activity, or when the vehicle performing the activity crossed into the (or out of another) geofence.

Section Stop – the time at which the vehicle stopped the section of the trip. This could be when the vehicle stopped the activity within the geofence, or when the vehicle performing the activity crossed out of the (or into another) geofence.

Duration – the length of time for the trip section.

Distance – the length of the section (in metres).


Period totals are also summarised in the data tables.


Data Panel – Geofence View

This shows each geofence that was selected and has an activity trip.  Under each of these geofences is the resource (vehicle) that performed the activity, and a breakdown of the days within the date range specified when the vehicle performed the activity.

Multiple sections can make a single activity trip (on and off events). These could be across multiple geofences and can include a section outside of a specified geofence (Exclusion).

This section rows show the following:

Day – the date of the trip

Resource Name – the name of the resource performing the activity.

Section Start – the time at which the vehicle started the section of the trip. This could be when the vehicle began the activity, or when the vehicle performing the activity crossed into the (or out of another geofence)

Section Stop – the time at which the vehicle stopped the section of the trip. This could be when the vehicle stopped the activity within the geofence, or when the vehicle performing the activity crossed out of the (or into another) geofence.

Duration – the length of time for the trip section.

Distance – the length of the section (in metres).


Daily and geofence totals are also summarised in the data tables. If geofences overlap, then data in the tables will be repeated for each specified geofence.


Following each valid geofence is an exclusion section (with a red header). These contain any activity trip sections that fall outside of the specified geofences. These sections can include part of a trip that passed though the specified geofences.  If they Include activities outside selected geofences tick box was checked, all trips will be shown.  The exclusion section will show sections (or entire trips) that occurred outside of the specified geofences in the same format as above.


Report Features

Zoom and Pan – the map component of the report can be clicked and dragged to an area of interest. A user can also zoom in/out on the map using either the mouse scroll, + or  - on the keyboard, or pinch motion on a touch pad. For geofences with a lot of activity, this can give better definition of the trip lines.

View Toggle – selecting the layer control on the map, a user can choose either a map view or an aerial view. Aerial view will still show the activity trips and geofences.

Geofence Hover – hovering the mouse over a geofence will display the name of the geofence.

Section Hover – hovering over a trip section will display basic information about the trip section including the vehicle name, section start and finish date and time and distance.

Trip Section Click – clicking on a section, will highlight/un-highlight the corresponding data row in the data table beneath the map. If the section is in multiple valid geofences (overlapped), then it will be highlighted under each of those geofences. You can select multiple trips. The map will zoom to the most appropriate level to incorporate the trips selected or zoom out when no trips have been selected.


Data Table Feature

Providing the users screen has a high enough resolution, the data tables will be scrollable keeping the map at the top.

Trip section data row click – clicking on a data row, will highlight/un-highlight the corresponding map trip section. The trip section will get a white background, and be brought to the front of any other trips so it is easily identified. One or more rows can be selected. The map will zoom to the most appropriate level to incorporate the trips selected or zoom out when no trips have been selected.


Printing Feature

The report is printable (or using print or save to PDF). It will print the map based on what the user currently sees on the screen (following any panning or zooming by the user). The data table will also be printed with the map.


Data Limitations

The amount of data required to be analysed for the report is extensive. If the parameters are too wide, then the production of the report may timeout. Consider using smaller time periods and a smaller range of geofences and/or resources.

The report will be based on the geofences as they are at the time of the running of the report. Should a geofence have changed, then the activity applied in that geofence may not be shown as valid or as an exclusion correctly – the trip will still be in the correct geographic location. A warning will show at the top of the report if a geofence has changed between the activities and running the report.





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