Useful Terms & Relationships

Useful Terms & Relationships

As you get started with Smartrak Admin you will need to understand the following terms and their relationships.




Attribute are features or characteristics of a Resource.  There are two parts to an attribute: the attribute name and the attribute value. The attribute name is the description of the attribute and the attribute value is the value of the attribute.  The attributes appear in the resource information box shown by selecting a resource on the map.


For organisations with larger numbers of vehicles, it is often useful to group these resources into administrative groups for easy viewing and assigning to users.


By maintaining and implementing permissions it ensures people can only see the information that is relevant for them to do their jobs. The permission to access information is granted based on role and group allocations which can be set by the organisation based on their management structure, job profiles or levels of authority. 


The item that is being tracked e.g. car, train, boat or non-powered asset.


All vehicles or non-powered assets are considered resources.  Resource can be named and their details including Make, Model & Year are maintained in the system.  This information is useful when determining which vehicle to book.  Resources can have Attributes assigned to them.


Each User is assigned a Role.  The Roles are as follows;

  • Vehicle Details Admin – can only edit vehicle details (not recommended to use this user level)

  • Booking only – user only has access to the pool booking system

  • Servicing Only User - A user that can only access the fleet servicing section of the map site.

  • Map User – full access to the map site

  • View Only – view only access to the vehicles on the map - user cannot create geofences, cannot view reports, fleet servicing etc.

  • Current Mode Only - Restricted Map access - User has no access to History Mode, Messaging, Reports or Pool Booking.


As a Smartrak Admin User you are considered a super user and can log into Smartrak web sites as any user within your company.


The device that is used to track a Remote/Resource e.g. AVL


People within your company that has access to the Smartrak system.  During the creating a new user account process a User is assigned a Role which determines what tasks they can perform in the system.  By using Permissions and Groups can you determine what information the User can see.  

Virtual Units

Vehicles and assets that are used within Pool Booking but are not tracked via GPS 

Virtual with Servicing Unit

A resource added into the Smartrak system for servicing purposes only and not tracked with a unit.

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