Tips on introducing KeyMaster to staff

Tips on introducing KeyMaster to staff

All types of people use our products on a daily basis - cleaners, doctors, executives, nurses, teachers, truckers, etc. - so our plan for PoolCar and KeyMaster has always been to make it as easy and convenient as possible to book, collect and return keys for the assets your staff use to do their job.

Of course it helps to have everyone informed and comfortable with any change so here are a few tips to make for a smooth roll out of the KeyMaster.


Create a Pre-Go Live plan

If the business is prepared then it makes it easier for everyone. Gather a posse of stakeholders together and create a plan of action, include items like; where the KeyMaster should go, who will install it and how to advise the users of the new key collection and return process.

Here's an example Plan-of-Action prior to Go-Live:










Decide the best location for the key cabinet


 Steering Committee


Arrange a contractor to install the key cabinet




Confirm KeyMaster Go live date


Steering Committee


Decide on how the roll-out should happen:

  • A trial/pilot group for a short period of time?

  • Staggered across departments/campuses?

  • The whole shebang?


Steering Committee


Consider setting up trainers/mavens/concierges who will be available over the first week(s) of the roll-out to assist the users.


Steering Committee


Staff communications (email broadcast + Intranet announcement) about the process change for booking, collecting and returning keys and the location of the key cabinet.


Steering Committee


Produce a printed wall poster, to be displayed next to key cabinet, showing instructions for:

  • making a booking - include where to find the booking number, if using booking numbers for key collection

  • collecting and returning vehicle keys


Steering Committee


Update Poolcar user guide in Poolcar to include new key collection and return process (If PoolCar is already in-use at your organisation).


Fleet Services


Add System Message to PoolCar, advising users of the process for collecting and returning keys and when this will commence.


Fleet Services


Add the keys to the key cabinet prior to the go-live day.


Fleet Services



We have attached an example wall poster, kindly shared by one of our customers, please feel free to download it and make your own changes to suit your needs. 


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