What's the difference between Pools and Campuses - do I need to use both?


If your organisation has the Pool Management function enabled in PoolCar, you will see the Pool Management section highlighted below in the Sysadmin Main Menu.


When using Pool Management, as opposed to the older version of PoolCar which was called Campus Administration, organisations utilise the Home Campus field usually for only one reason - when they need to allocate Access Groups to Drivers via their specified 'Home Campus' on the Welcome Page.

If the organisation isn’t using Access Group Rules, and don't intend on allocating Drivers based on a Home Campus then there's no need to fill it out.

Campuses are also used in the filter drop downs on pages developed when Campus Administration was the only method - that's why the Campus appears on the Vehicle Register (Campus Administration) and not the Asset Register (Pool Management).

Vehicle Register showing by Campus

Asset Register showing by Pool

Pools are managed within the Pool Management section, where they can be edited, deleted and have assets assigned to them.


Campuses are managed via the Home Campus in the Asset Register > Org Context tab https://smartrak.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SCP/pages/2064154770


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