Active Vehicle Count

Active Vehicle Count

PoolCar Active Vehicle count
  • PoolCar is licensed on a per-vehicle fee.  Using this method, customers pay for the minimum number of vehicles stated in the contract or more based on what they need, and the fees are commensurate with the fleet size and total fleet expenditure
  • The Active Vehicle Count (AVC) is the number of vehicles entered into the Vehicle Register, that have not been deleted (i.e. in active service). Note that if you have entered non-vehicle asset types into the Vehicle Register, such as meeting rooms or machinery/plant, these also count towards the AVC.  Also, vehicles that have been flagged as ‘hidden from the booking system’, such as the CEO’s car for example, counts towards the AVC because they are in active service (for servicing reminders, recall notices, etc.)
  • Deleted vehicles do not count towards the AVC even though they are still present inside the PoolCar system (for archival record keeping purposes). A deleted vehicle is a vehicle record that was at one time in active service, and the administrator has clicked the ‘delete’ button to flag to the system it is no longer in active service
  • Where the AVC is increased during the billing period (registered new vehicles during the period resulting in a net increase of AVC), the next bill is adjusted on a pro-rata basis for the number of days remaining in the billing period
  • Please note: the minimum number of vehicles, from the contract, or the AVC will be invoiced regardless if you delete vehicles to have an AVC less than the contracted amount

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