Booking Overview on the booking form

Booking Overview on the booking form

You can change what displays on the Booking Overview box on the new booking form.

This guide will explain where the information for each section is populated from so it can be updated.

Where is the Booking Overview box?


Its found on the top right of the booking form.

How do I edit the content?


Each section is populated from a different location in PoolCar with information being pulled from the Vehicle Register, Asset Register and Pool the vehicle is assigned to.

Asset/Vehicle Information:

Rego, Vehicle Name, Make, Model, Vehicle Type, Colour from the Vehicle Register or in the General Tab of the Asset Register

Key pickup/return Instructions:

Pulls the key pickup and return instructions from the Pool information of the pool the vehicle is in.

The during business hours / outside business hours are determined by the working day start and end times set in the system settings of PoolCar (Application Settings > Localisation).

Please note that if the Pool has its own defined business hours (which are different from the standard), the Pool setting will override the application setting.

Asset/Vehicle Location:

Pulls from the Parking Bay/Location in the Vehicle Register or in the General Tab of the Asset Register (see screen shot above of Asset Register > General tab)

Asset/Vehicle Contacts:

Pulls the contacts from the primary and secondary contacts in the Vehicle Register

Instructions to User:

Pulls the Instructions to User from the Vehicle/Asset Register.

This information can also be populated on the Calendar headers and email & page templates.


  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 


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