Booking not cancelled by no-show robot

Booking not cancelled by no-show robot

This article explains the possible reasons why a booking is not cancelled by the no-show robot when it’s expected to

The robot may be completely disabled on the Robots page

  1. Visit the Robots page found on the SysAdmin Main Menu.

  2. Scroll down to the 5-Minute Robots section and confirm whether Cancel bookings if not checked out within the time limit (’No Shows'): is turned On. If not, the this will need to enabled.

The Robot may be set to only cancel specific vehicles, and the vehicle may not be configured to cancel bookings

  1. The Robots page (as above) will also confirm if you have the No-Show robot set to ‘All Vehicles’ or ‘Only Specific Vehicles’. If the No-Show robot is set to ‘Only Specific Vehicles’ then it’s possible the vehicle is set to not cancel bookings automatically.

  2. This can be confirmed and changed via the Asset Details page - located by the Details link on the Vehicle Register.

  3. On the Bookings tab you will see an option for ‘Automatically cancel ‘no show’ bookings’ which should be set to ‘Yes’ for bookings to be cancelled.

The booking type may not be configured to be cancelled automatically

  1. Only cancel bookings with a booking type (as set by an admin) of ‘Staff Use’. Any non-Staff Use bookings are not cancelled by the no-show robot.

  2. You can confirm what the booking type is by opening the booking via the calendar - simply click on the booking to bring up the booking form.

  3. The booking type is shown to admins within a highlighted section as a drop down list. If this is not ‘Staff Use’ then the booking will not be cancelled.

Bookings are only cancelled if they are still in-progress at the time of the no-show robot running every 5 minutes

  1. Bookings that are equal to or shorter than the cancellation threshold will not be cancelled. The no-show robot looks for bookings where the end time has not been reached, and it has not been checked out. If the booking was due to start a number of minutes ago (customizable threshold) then it will be cancelled

  2. The threshold can be confirmed via the Robots page - which states the time limit


  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk

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