PoolCar - Importing/uploading a list of existing vehicles

PoolCar - Importing/uploading a list of existing vehicles

What is it?

You can import your vehicles/assets into PoolCar in bulk using the bulk import found on the Sysadmin Menu > Uploaders > Bulk load Vehicles/Assets

Please note that the bulk upload should only be used to import new assets, ongoing editing of assets is managed in the Asset or Vehicle Registers.

If you do need to update vehicle details in bulk, you can use the bulk uploader, but all existing fields need to be included in the bulk upload, otherwise existing fields will be overwritten with blank data.

Please note that Pool assignments for vehicles is only available using the bulk import the first time it is done, subsequent bulk imports do not assign vehicles into Pools, this must be managed via the Asset Register once the import has been completed.

Filling in the Spreadsheet

To import your vehicles, you will first need to fill out a Fleet Spreadsheet. You can find the template for this below:

When filling out the template, it is okay if some details are missing as you can always fill these out later via Sysadmin > Vehicle Register / Asset Register

The required fields are identified in this article here - Vehicle Register v Asset Register v Bulk Vehicle/Asset Upload and listed here - PoolCar Bulk Vehicle Uploader fields



NOTE: If you are bulk importing Keyword Tags, they will need to be comma separated within the field, with quotation marks around the field.

Importing the Spreadsheet

Once you have filled out the required fields in the spreadsheet, you can import it directly into PoolCar.

Please take care when importing that you only select the box “Delete ALL existing fleet records before import” if that is what you want to do.


  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 



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