How do I create a request?

How do I create a request?


  • Raise a request with Smartrak by using the online Service Desk (the full website address is https://smartrak.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3)

  • Requests are directly logged to and managed by Smartrak’s Customer Support Team from here.

  • Requests should be raised for all vehicle/asset actions (Install/Vehicle Swap/Deinstall/Revisit) even if you are contacting the installer directly to arrange for the work to be done, this is so Smartrak can keep track of all requests, and the statuses of your assets.

How do I create a request?

  • Determine the nature of your request and select the appropriate option.

  • Fleet and Asset (was General) or PoolCar are the most likely options. Unless you are an employee of Fonterra (Smart Milk Fonterra) or have a Security Monitored device (Monitored Line Updates).


Important information to provide to Smartrak for an efficient resolution

  • Registration Number/licence plate of a vehicle

  • Serial Number for the Keymaster

  • URL of your PoolCar site (e.g. https://smartrak.poolcar.com)

  • Booking ID number for a booking issue in PoolCar

  • Local contact person for the technician to talk to

  • Local contact phone number & email address

  • Location of Vehicle/Keymaster


  • Complete the fields and enter as much information as possible to help us better assist you with your request. Note, fields with a red asterix are mandatory.

For Fleet and Asset requests

  • For Fleet and Asset requests, select from the list, Install / Vehicle Swap, Deinstall / Deactivate, Purchase, Admin / Maps, Issue / Revisit / RMA, Other request, System Failure



For Mobility requests

  • For Mobility requests, select from the list, PoolCar Booking, Keyless Entry, KeyMaster Cabinet, Mobility Purchasing, System Failure

  • Click on 'Send' to have request logged.

  • You will receive an email with the details of your request.

An important note about High Impact & Rollover

If your company has High Impact and Rollover you will then need to navigate to this instructional page to disable the functionality, once the installer has revisited it will automatically become enabled again.

How to disable High Impact and Rollover for maintenance work

If you are still unsure, please email our Customer Support team at support@smartrak.com

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