Geofence check-in will only work for bookings of up to 7 days duration.
Enabling geofence check-out and check-in is a developer only process
Enabling / disabling the check-out and check-in functionality may take up to a day to take effect
Only Smartrak telematics is supported
Only Smartrak geofences with the PoolCar Tag “[PC]” in the geofence name are supported
A booking will only geofence check-in if it was initially geofence checked-out in the first place.
A booking will only geofence check-in once the booking end time has elapsed. Once it has elapsed the geofence check-in will retrospectively look back to see if the booking was returned earlier and check-in at that time.
Driving from one geofence to another geofence where both have the PoolCar Tag in their name will not check the booking in. The booking is only automatically checked in when it returns to the same geofence that caused the automatic check-out.
If a geofence is renamed AND there are any PoolCar bookings that have been automatically been checked out then the booking will not be automatically checked in.
We haven’t moved any of the other booking related 5 minute robot actions into the Booking updater.
If there are two bookings right next to each other and the driver of the first booking returns the vehicle early, and the driver of the second booking takes the vehicle early (before the first booking had ended), the Booking Updater will not know this was an early return and early check out and will not check the bookings in and out but instead treat the first booking as not returned. (Manual check-in will be required on the first booking)
If there is a booking before the current booking and it is checked out, the current booking will not try auto check-out until the previous booking has checked in.