*NEW for Users* Battery Range for ZLEVs in PoolCar

*NEW for Users* Battery Range for ZLEVs in PoolCar

What is it?

Battery Range for ZLEVs in PoolCar for PoolCar general users

  • Battery Range displayed in the PoolCar Calendar, Booking Form

  • Low battery Range Notification

  • Reminder to Plug Vehicle into Charger

Eligible Customers

Who are the customers who can get the battery range data in PoolCar?

This feature is available only for Smartrak Nextrak Telematics and Keyless 4G customers. 

Battery Range In PoolCar Calendar

What is the data that the customers can see?

  • Eligible customers can now see the battery range of their ZLEVs in kilometres in the calendar and the booking form. 

  • The range will be highlighted with an orange background if the value is below the threshold the fleet manager/sysadmin sets

Notification in the Check-Out form

Battery Range in the Booking Commencement Form

The users will be able to see the battery range for the vehicle on the booking commencement form

Email Notification for Low Battery Range

Low Battery Range Notification (System-generated)

  • If a user makes an instant or recurring booking, the booking holder will receive an email notification that the battery range for the chosen vehicle is below the threshold as the screenshot below

  • Note: The sysadmin can select how far in advance users are notified about their “below range threshold” bookings.

Notification in Check-In Form

Plugging The Vehicle Into a Charger

As a user, the sysadmin can select to display a message when checking-in the vehicle to ensure it is plugged in to charge. Furthermore, it could be mandatory to tick the box before proceeding. Below is an example:


What if some technical issues occur in the EV data in PoolCar?

If you experience any issues with this feature, please contact your internal PoolCar administrator or System Administrator.

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