Saving an RFID card to your driver profile

Saving an RFID card to your driver profile

This article explains how you can save your unique RFID card number against your driver profile to be able to unlock your reserved vehicle.

Via the Welcome Page

Via the Welcome Page

When you log into the system for the first time you will land on the Welcome Page where you will be asked to enter your information before you can proceed to the booking calendar to make a reservation.

If you are using RDIF cards to access your Keyless entry device, you will need to have your RFID card number stored against your driver profile to be able to unlock a vehicle.


Your RFID card number will be on the card itself. You will need to enter the number, minus the three zero’s at the beginning. Here is an example below:



Via ‘My Details’

Via ‘My Details’

If you lose your RFID card or are allocated a new card at a later date, you will need to log into your PoolCar account and update your RFID card via the ‘My Details' page which can be found at the footer of the page:


System Administrators

System Administrators

As a System Administrator you are able to update the RFID card number stored against any driver via the Driver Register which can be found on your Main Menu under the ‘Registers’ sub-heading.

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