Share a Ride

Share a Ride

Sharing a ride makes sense when multiple staff are going to the same place or to the same meeting.

What is it?


PoolCar offers optional functionality to encourage ride-sharing, this is called Share a Ride.

How is it configured?


Share a Ride is configured in the Application Settings > Passengers.



The options allow the Share a Ride button to be displayed on the Availability Search page, the search panel and the main menu


Other options are to request approval (recommended), show hidden custom booking fields & text to be displayed asking drivers to Share a Ride.


Setting up the Asset for Share a Ride.

  • Go to Vehicle Register and Search for the Asset. Click edit and tick Can Share ride





Availability Search page

Main menu

Search Panel

How does it work?


Clicking on Share a Ride from any of the options above takes a user to the Share a Ride page and lists all bookings with available seats.

From here, the user can see the booking time, booking holder details, description and the number of seats that are available.

Clicking on Request Seat will automatically send an email to the booking holder and they can approve/decline the request via the email













Once requested, the Request Seat box changes to Requested


Approved request (when the booking holder clicks on Approve from the email)

Email sent to seat requester confirming approved seat

Declined request (when the booking holder clicks on Decline in the email)

Email sent to seat requester advising seat request has been declined

If the seat request needs to be cancelled, the user can do this via the Share a Ride page and click on Cancel request, an updated email is sent to the booking holder confirming the cancellation






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