How to group assets by colour (Filter categories)

How to group assets by colour (Filter categories)

Grouping assets by colour for ease of identification on the Smartrak Map


The filter category feature gives organisations the ability to use coloured categories to easily and readily identify different types/groups/classes of their resources at a glance on the Smartrak Map.

What is it used for?


This feature allows admin users to:

  1. Create new categories which will enable administrators to group resources into

  2. Designate a colour to the category that will be applied as a border to each resource of that category to ensure prompt identification

  3. Assign and manage resources across each category



The following video guides you through the Filter Categories feature.

Creating a Filter Category


Log into the Smartrak Admin site (NZ or AU), select Filter Category in the left hand menu.

1. To create a new category click on Manage in the left hand menu.

2. Fill in the Name you wish to call the category

3. Select the Colour you want to represent the category on the map

  • You can select the colour off the palette, or use tab to enter in the RGB or HEX value if you know the colour in those formats

4. Select the Order in which you would like category to appear on the map site filter list.

  • If you select the same number for any categories, they will appear in the filter list alphabetically.

5. Click Create.

  • Repeat this process for all the filter categories you wish to create.

Viewing Filter Categories


To view the category details click View on the right-hand side tab.

Editing Filter Categories


To edit the category details, or to delete the category click on Edit on the right hand-side tab.

Assign Resources to a Filter Category


In the Smartrak Admin Site, select Assign in the left hand menu under Filter Categories.

  1. Select the Filter Category you wish to assign resources to

  2. Click the Unassigned Resource that you would like to assign to the filter category, to give it a blue background.

    • You can select multiple resources by holding the "Ctrl" key and clicking multiple resources.

  3. To assign click on the double arrows pointing to the right.

 4. If you wish to undo what you have just done, highlight the resource and click the double arrows pointing to the left.

5. To view the resources you have assigned to each filter category click on View on the left-hand side tab.

6. To see the filter categories you have created and assigned check the Smartrak Map site. Only the resources you have assigned to a category will have coloured borders.

Please note: You can only have a resource assigned to a single category. You must unassign a resource before you can assign it to another category.

View the filter categories and assignments


Navigate to the View tab to view all assigned resources and associated filter categories.

View the Filter Categories on the Smartrak Map


You can choose to only see the resources from certain categories by applying a filter.

  1. Select the filters icon from above the resource list.

  2. Choose the categories you wish to see on the map.

  • None - No Categories (or resources) will be selected

  • All - All resources (regardless of category) will be selected

  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk

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