Which Garmin Models are Compatible with Smartrak AVL

Which Garmin Models are Compatible with Smartrak AVL

Listed below are the Garmin devices supported in New Zealand and Australia.

The models that have been tested and proven to work with Smartrak are marked as tested.

You can check the Garmin port types that exist per vehicle under the Adhoc report in CRM here

ModelFMI SupportTest StatusFMI Garmin Port Cable's supported
New Zealand

Nuvi 1490 T

Nuvi 2457 LMTTestedAny
Nuvi 2495 LMT
Nuvi 2497 LMT
Nuvi 2557 LMTTestedAny
Nuvi 2597 LMT
Nuvi 2797 LMT
Nuvi 2589 LMT TestedAny
DriveSmart 50 LMTTestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveSmart 60 LMTTestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveSmart 70 LMTTestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveAssist 50 LMTTestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveSmart 51 LMT-STestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveSmart 61 LMT-STestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveAssist 51 LMT-STestedPort 2 and 3 only
DriveSmart 55 MT-STested Port 2 and 3 only
AustraliaDevices supported by FMI in Australia also include all the New Zealand units listed above.

Dezl 560 LT

Port 2 and 3 only
Dezl 770 LMTCustomer TestedPort 2 and 3 only
Dezl 760 LMTTestedPort 2 and 3 only
Nuvi 1390 TTestedAny
Nuvi 1450 T

Nuvi 255

Nuvi 255 W

DriveSmart 65TestedPort 2 and 3

If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Support Desk.  https://smartrak.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/create/15

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