Advanced Search Options

Advanced Search Options





The purpose of Advanced Search Options is to allow drivers to filter available assets based on requirements.

By default, users can filter based on body type, fuel type and transmission type but there are additional filters you can add to the booking calendar.

Licence Plate Filter


You can also allow drivers to filter based on registration number.

To enable this field, go to Application Settings, click into the Calendar tab and set ‘Registration number filter visible’ to yes.

This adds an additional field under the Advanced Search Options on the calendar for drivers to lookup a particular vehicle.

Application Setting > Calendar

Keyword Tag


You can attribute Keyword Tags to assets to allow users to filter based on these options. For example, you may want drivers to be able to lookup assets with a first aid kit or tail lift. You will need to attribute the Keyword tag to each applicable asset firstly via the Asset or Vehicle Register. Users can then filter based on these.


Vehicle Register


Asset Register




Currently Etags only apply to customers who operate on roads in Victoria. If this doesn’t apply to you, you can hide the Etag option in Application Settings here:


If you need to use this feature, you will need to ensure the relevant assets have the Etag option enabled. To do this, go to the Asset Register General tab or in the Vehicle Register. Ensure the Etag option is ticked and you can also optionally add the ETAG/Toll ID


Application Setting > Calendar
Vehicle Register
Asset Register



The drop-down menu doesn’t display the option I’m looking for when I’m trying to search for an available asset.


The advanced search options will only display what is available for you to book. For example, if you have no diesel vehicles you will not be able to search for a diesel vehicle. If you have no manual transmission vehicles you will not be able to search for a manual. You can always check the below settings from the Asset or Vehicle Register:

  • Is the vehicle hidden from the booking calendar?

  • Has the correct fuel/transmission type been set?

  • Has a ‘Cannot be booked before or after’ date been set?


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