

PoolCar "Robots" are basically scheduled tasks which run in the background maintaining general housekeeping. A webservice calls your PoolCar domain to run daily, weekly or 5 minute robots to retrieve the information required.

This article has been produced to help you configure the robots with some context as to what they do and how they work. By default all robots are disabled. You will need to enable the individual robots from Sysadmin Main Menu > Robots

PLEASE NOTE - Please read this entire article carefully before enabling any robots. There may be business implications for doing so, such as users being inundated with emails, or not being able to make bookings.

As a safety measure, the Robots control panel page asks you to enter a confirmation code before clicking the Save button. This confirmation code is located further down this article.

Daily Robots

Servicing Status

This robot runs every night to check the servicing status of each vehicle. It simply calculates whether a car is coming up soon for service, is overdue, or is OK. This robot feeds the status labels you see on the Servicing Register page. A few things to note:

  • This robot does NOT send any emails - that is a separate robot, see below.

  • We encourage you to enable this robot BEFORE enabling the send emails robot -  say a week or more - so that you can stabilize the status before users are inundated with 'Servicing Overdue' emails. 

  • The robot will skip any cars where the Primary Contact Email address is blank.

  • The robot will also skip any cars where the Last Service and Next Service dates/odos are blank. i.e. if there is no current or historical servicing data to go on then the robot is unable to calculate a status. You can view these cars in the Servicing Register with a status of "Unknown", thereby giving you a chance to enter at least a last known servicing date/odo.

  • You can exclude certain bookable assets from participating in the servicing robot, i.e. bikes or MyKi public transport cards.

Send Servicing Reminders

As the name suggests, this robot will send emails to vehicle custodians where the calculated status (see previous robot) is 'Overdue' or 'Soon'.

Follow-up reminders will be sent, by default, every 14 days, which is configurable in the Sysadmin > Application Settings page

You cannot enable this robot without the Servicing Status robot enabled. We suggest you enable that robot first, wait a while say a week or more, then enable this robot once you are comfortable that the servicing status labels are correct. 

Driver Licence Status

This calculates the status of driver licences, such as Expiring Soon, Verification Required or Expired. Like above, this robot does NOT send emails, just calculates the status. This robot feeds the status labels you see in the Driver Register.

This is an important robot as it’s often used to limit who can access vehicles. For example, if someone's driving licence has expired, they will not be able to book a vehicle.

If you are not capturing licence information via the Welcome page (this is an Application Setting) then you will not be able to enable this robot.

Please note:

  • Where the robot calculates that a licence has Expired (based on the expiry date), the user will NOT be able to make bookings. 

  • Where you have a Licence Verification Grace Period, and that grace period has lapsed, the licence status will flip over to Verification Required and the user will NOT be able to make bookings. This is of course only if you have verification enabled (Application Settings).

Send Licence Reminders

Where a licence has changed status, an email will be sent to that user if this robot is enabled. Like the servicing robots, we encourage you to first enable the status robot. 

Follow up reminders are sent every 14 days (this is not configurable).

Like any system generated emails, you can view what the robots send in the Email log.

Serviceability Reminders

These are different to the Servicing reminders. Servicing refers to the manufacturer scheduled servicing, like 12 months or 15,000km. Serviceability checks, however, cover ad-hoc or specialised reminders such as roadworthy checks, fire extinguisher certification, etc.

This robot should be enabled where you have entered serviceability checks (Sysadmin page).

Generate Journal Entries

Generates journal (accounting) entries for vehicle usage charges, expenses and fines (where implemented)

  • This robot only applies where we have done a custom integration with your finance system.

Generate Penalties

Automatically generates the penalty amount configured in application settings where applicable

Document Register Reminders

This robot is still in development and has not yet been enabled.

Certification Status

Runs each night to calculate 'Certification Required' status - either 'OK', 'Soon' or 'Overdue'. This robot checks for:

  • Road Worthy Checks (RWC) (AU)

  • Warrant of Fitness (WoF) (NZ)

Results are visible in the Certification Register.

For this robot to work, each vehicle will need to have a certification interval greater than 0 months. This can be set from the Asset Register. This robot does NOT send any emails - that is a separate robot, see below.

Send Certification Reminders

Where a Road Worthy Checks (RWC)/Warrant of Fitness (WoF) (NZ) status has changed, an email will be sent to the custodian/primary contact if this robot is enabled.

Like any system generated email, you can view what the robots send in the Email log.

Registration Number Renewal Status

Runs each night to calculate Registration Number renewal status - either 'OK', 'Soon' or 'Overdue'.

Results are displayed in the Registration Renewal Register.

Registration Number Renewal Reminder

Where a Registration Number renewal status has changed, an email will be sent to the custodian/primary contact if this robot is enabled.

Like any system generated email, you can view what the robots send in the Email log.

Road User Charges (RUC) reminders:

Runs each night to calculate Road User Charges (RUC) status - either 'OK', 'Soon' or 'Overdue'.

Results are displayed in the Road User Charges (RUC) Register.

Reminder emails for upcoming bookings:

Notifies booking holders they have an upcoming booking, with the opportunity to cancel if no longer needed. Reminder period can be configured via Application Settings.

Weekly Robots

Weekly Robots

Send weekly usage statement to drivers:

Emails each driver weekly with a summary of their bookings over the last 7 days.


5 Minute Robots - Please note that 5-minute Robots take overnight to take effect

5 Minute Robots - Please note that 5-minute Robots take overnight to take effect

Cancel bookings if not checked out within the time limit ('No Shows'):

Cancels if not checked out within a certain time. This can be configured in application settings.

This can be changed for specific vehicles via the vehicle register/application settings.

Alert admins if a booking is running late (not checked back in within the time limit):

A "Late Return" is where a car is due back at a certain time and is running late

This robot sends an email to to alert admins, and optionally the overdue driver (configured in app settings), that the booking is running late.

Configure how often the reminder is sent via app settings. We can mute outside of business hours via app settings too.

See Late Return Alerts

Auto reallocate any bookings overlapping with overdue bookings:

When a vehicle is checked out, but not back in before the end time, this robot will reallocate any subsequent booking to another vehicle that is available

Default threshold for bookings to be reallocated is set to 15 minutes, but this is configurable in Sysadmin Main Menu > Application Settings

NOTE: If the system can’t reallocate the booking, it will cancel it and notify the driver as to why.

Also known as ‘No Show’ Bookings, see Automatic Cancellation of 'No Show' Bookings


Confirmation Code

Confirmation Code

The confirmation code that you will be prompted for on the Robots page is:



  • If you are unable to find an answer to your question in here please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk 


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