Booking Utilisation Report - Smartrak Pool Booking

Booking Utilisation Report - Smartrak Pool Booking

The Booking Utilisation and Optimisation Report in Smartrak Reports is for those customers who use the Smartrak Pool Booking module and not PoolCar.

What is it?


The booking utilisation report shows the pure, geofence and booking utilisation percentages by date and group. It is designed to reveal opportunities to optimise fleet usage and size.

How do I find it?


Navigate to Smartrak app > Reports > Booking Utilisation Report (please note that this report will only be visible if you have Smartrak Pool Booking)


Select the date range, business hours, business days and the pool vehicles you want to report on.


Looking at the data


The report will show the reporting period, any public holidays in the period and the base geofence.


The report is separated into two sections.

Business Hours Utilisation by Date shows pure, geofence and booking utilisation percentages by day with average and peak totals.


Business Hours Utilisaton by Group shows pure, geofence and booking utilisation percentages by group




What does it mean?


Pure Utilisation is all driving (trips = key on - driving - key off) that takes place regardless of the vehicle being inside the base geofence or not and has nothing to do with the vehicle being in an active booking.

Generally will be the lowest percentage of utilisation.

Geofence Utilisation is based on driving (trips = key on - driving - key off) that is done outside of the base geofence, and also includes the time the vehicle is outside the geofence.

Generally will be the middle percentage of utilisation.

Booking Utilisation is the duration of the booking being checked out and checked back in again.

Generally will be the highest percentage of utilisation.


If you are unable to find an answer to your question, please log a support request via the Smartrak Service Desk



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