Driver Based Reporting - Duplicate Users/Persons
In order for the Driver Based Reporting functionality to work effectively for Pool Booking customers and those with ibuttons, the Smartrak Identify App, or Assigned Drivers some data clean up work is required.
This is due to a number of duplicate Persons and Users that can exist in customers' databases.
Smartrak will work with customers to validate this data to enable them to use Driver Based Reporting.
Users & Persons
Firstly, it is important to know the following definitions. Behind the scenes in Smartrak there are two different types of entities - Users and Persons.
Users have a username, password & role (user level) - see How do I manage User Accounts? A User can login to the Smartrak App or Admin websites depending on their role.
Persons have a first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and hold all the Pool Booking settings. A Person can be a Driver or Passenger in Pool Booking or a Person associated with an ibutton, and can be a Driver in the new Driver Based Reports.
Please note that every User is linked to a Person behind the scenes. However, not every Person is linked to a User. For example, a Person created in Pool Booking using the ‘Create a Person on the fly’ feature will not be linked to any User.
Data Clean Up Process |
Once the User/Person data has been validated, then the Driver Based Reporting can be enabled for your company.
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